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Welcome to issue 104.

This week we learn JavaScript features in React, use the speed of Gatsby+ React, do React internationalization and much more!


JavaScript essentials for React developers

Gurinder Singh Shergill shares powerful JavaScript features React developers should know.


Blazing fast portfolio with Gatsby

Maribel Duran shows us the speed of Gatsby + React.


Learn Alexa Skills Kit now!


Deploy your React App with Docker & Nginx

Sara Vieira walks us through the process.


Simple internationalization of React apps

Tomáš Ehrlich introduces  jsLingui, a way to do React internationalization.


Mastering React Functional Components with Recompose

Ilya Suzdalnitski talks React stateless functional components.


How styled-components works

Eugene Gluhotorenko takes a deep dive under the hood.


How to launch a side project in 10 days

Kyle Gill does it using React.


Beautiful drag & drop: 1 year review

Alex Reardon reflectson a year of Atlassian’s react-beautiful-dnd.


Fairytale about performance in web apps

Bohdan Liashenko talks about React web performance.


PWA with Create-React-App & custom service workers

Zaid Humayun shows how.

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