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Welcome to issue 11.

This week we feature SEO in ReactJS, Yarn is benchmarked, a VCR is used and much more!


Learn Firebase


Redux: A Simple & Robust Workflow for Apps

Redux is one of the most popular Flux implementations for managing data flow in ReactJS apps.


Achieving 20ms server response time with SSR & caching

React has started a trend by supporting server side rendering, which enables us to build end-to-end JavaScript apps.


Is It Necessary to Render ReactJS Pages in the Backend?

A common argument against web pages that are rendered completely in the user’s browser, e.g. using React, Angular or Ember, is that it hurts your SEO.


Yarn vs npm: benchmarked

Yarn vs npm benchmarked with the 4 most popular CI tools.


Building D3 Components with React

D3 is a powerful library for creating visualizations with JavaScript. ReactJS is great at creating isolated, declarative components.



ARc is a React starter kit based on the Atomic Design methodology. It’s progressive, which means that you can start with the basic boilerplate and try the other features when you are comfortable.


A Visual Guide to State in React

State in React.js explained in images.


Introducing ReduxVCR

This tool that lets you record and re-watch user sessions.


How Airtable uses React

Airtable converted its iOS app into ReactJS.


NativeBase Kitchen Sink App

In a nutshell, a React Native and NativeBase Boilerplate with all the UI components.

That’s it for the 11th edition of the greatest ReactJS & GraphQL Blog!
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