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Welcome to issue 134.

This week we master useEffect, deploy React to Kubernetes, use React with Redux and TypeScript and much more!


A Complete Guide to useEffect

Dan Abramov’s epic guide to useEffect.


Reflections on 1000 hours learning to code

Peter Higgins shares his experience.


Learn React fundamentals!

Build your React foundation.


Deploying React.js Apps to Kubernetes

Lukas Gentele explains the process.


useRedux: state management pattern with React Hooks

Jakub Šoltés further elaborates.


Start your journey into the world of React by learning these basics

Anchal Nigam lists them.


Styling in React Native

Said Hayani explores the best ways to style a React Native application.


useTypescript: Guide to React Hooks & TypeScript

Trey Huffine shows the changes to TypeScript integration with React and React Hooks.


Building Angular & React Apps Together With Nx

Victor Savkin guides us.


2019 is the best year to learn JavaScript

Mate Paiva tells us why.


MUI System will Make your Life Easier

Siriwatknp gives the details.

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