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Welcome to issue 160.

This week we put React Hooks into practice, build React clocks, build hamburger menus with React and much more!


Learn React in an afternoon!

Wes Bos will teach you React within a day!


53 Things Learnt Writing a Game in Javascript & Python

Lina Rudashevski lists them in detail.


Switched to React Hooks

Duggie Mitchell tells us why.


Duplication in State Management: A Story of a Bug

Llorenç Muntaner tells us more.


Making a Neon Clock using React Hooks

Ganesh Prasad goes in-depth.


The most common mistakes when using React

Alex K. lists them out.


So, What the Heck is GraphQL?

Karthik Kalyanaraman ultimate GraphQL guide.


React Native App: White Label 101

Sean Najera explains.


A Guide to Component Driven Development (CDD)

Eden explains.


Lessons Learned From A Buggy React Upgrade

Todd H. Gardner tells us more.


Hamburger Menu with React Hooks & Styled Components

Maks Akyymenko shows the steps.

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