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Welcome to issue 249.

This week we build React Component Library, use Particles.js, learn modern React State Patterns and more!

Spring Sale 2021! Learn React in a few hours!

Made for beginners.

Building a React Component Library — The Right Way

Eden Ella creates an ultra-modular React component library: scalable, maintainable, and with a blazing-fast setup.

Level up your React with Gatsby! Spring Sale 2021!

The Best Gatsby Tutorial for Professional Developers.

Creating an Interactive Background in React with Particles.js

Shashank Singh on making responsive and elegant interactive backgrounds in a few simple steps.

Udemy May 2021 Updates!

Checkout some of the best here.

The modern guide to React state patterns

Fredrik Strand Oseberg gives a updated guide.

Create a Simple Search Component in React.js using React Hooks

Shashank Singh on building a dynamic search component in React with the use of hooks

A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Next.js

Ali Spittel gets us started.

useContext for better state management!

Yogini Bende gives a walk through.

React Clean Architecture

kpiteng talks about the process.

Converting tables to grids with React compound components

Sai Krishna tells us more.

Building a multi-tenant Amplify app with a React frontend

Brian Njenga explains.

useState vs. useRef: Similarities, differences, and use cases

Sebastian Weber elaborates.

Spring Sale 2021! Advanced React – Updated for 2021!

The Best React Course for Professionals.

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