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Welcome to the third issue.
Third times the charm (but for what we have no idea)!

This week we have Tinder and Dribble clones made using Reactjs & React Native!
React Native updates and news from Facebook, Opinions and best practices on React & much more!
Don’t forget to subscribe, so you get notified for every issue.


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Facebook releases React Native 0.32 stable and 0.33.0-rc.0

The latest versions of React Native, both stable and rc are on npm. As is standard, there are plenty of new features and important bug fixes.
Fullscreen modal issues and scale transform issues are among many of the bugs that have been fixed.


Tesing React components with TDD, Mocha, Chai, and jsdom

Test Driven Development or TDD is a concept that has taken the programming world by storm oevre he lkast few years. It is now also being used increasingly with JavaScript frameworks. Why use TDD? Some reasons may include better & cleaner code. All this allows you to refactor your code with out worries(for the most part).


No Need for Dependency Injection in React Components

Dependency Injection has become an important way of doing things in Angular. As such it is also being used more and more in Reactjs, but there are ways to avoid this and still get the results you want.


React Best Practices and Useful Functions

Reactjs is still in it’s infancy and as a result the coding styles are all over the place. As time goes on, best practices are starting to emerge with everyone giving their take on it. This is a collection of an ever evolving list of best practices.


Building a Dribbble client for iOS using React, React Native & Flux

Dribbble used to be the cool app service where designers should of their skills. Getting a Dribbble invite used to be quite difficult and a labour of love.
while it is no longer as popular as it used to be, this Dribbble client built using ReactJS, React Native, Redux, React Router Flux, CodePush and FeathersJS is worth a look.


Trello clone built using Reactjs & Redux

Trello is being used at many organizations in many ways. A nice look into cloning some aspects of it isnt a bad way to learn about both Trello and React with Redux.


Reactjs Pattern Library

A nice collection of Reactjs patterns to fasten up your development process. I always bookmark such sites cause you never know when you need a quick fresher!


Make music with Reactjs

Reactjs is being used to power many things. It seems like it can literally be used to power anything…even make music! Step aside Ableton Live! You can spend hours having fun with this, specially if you are into music production and Reactjs.


Tinder clone coded using React Native

Speaking of taking Reactjs too far, this is taking React Native where no man has ever taken it before… to Tinder! React native was made for creating mobile apps, and this is a demonstration of why and how. Whether it will help you score more chicks, however, remains to be seen.


Where in the Stack is Carmen Sanfrancisco?

What a name for a talk! A unique talk that reflects on reactjs and accessibility testing, allowing for a better web experience. Accessible websites is something that we should all look into and something all emerging web technologies should start supporting.

That brings to a close our 3rd issue. Check back next week as always and don’t forget to subscribe!

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