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Welcome to the fourth issue.
Happy Labor day weekend!

Welcome to the labor day edition of the ReactJS Newsletter!
We Have Jest 15 and updates from Facebook, Reactjs AMA with Ben Alpert of Facebook, Mapview components for React Native and much much more!
Go ahead and subscribe while you wait for that BBQ to finish!


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Jest 15.0: New Defaults for Jest

Facebook’s Jest has been updated to version 15. Many new features have been introduced including CLI error messages, watch command, buffered console messages and many other React Native improvements. Finally, auto-mocking has been disabled by default.


ReactJS AMA with Ben Alpert of Facebook

Ben Alpert is a software developer who currently works at Facebook on building React. So if anyone was to do an Ask Me Anything about ReactJS, it would be him. Ben gave a great definition of what purpose react solves “React tries to make it easy to build complicated apps by making it easy to split up your app into many simple, independent components. This means that when you change code in one place, other parts of your app don’t break.” Nicely said!


React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android

A lovely map component that is purely community made including contributions from AirBnb(great users and supporters of ReactJS). Many lovely features including Marker, Views & Animations. What’s more is it works well on both iOS and Android, doing what React Native was built to do.


The 5 Types Of React Application State

ReactJs’s Application State is quite a confusing thing. There are many ways to do it, and these lovely illustrations explain it nicely!


The Elegance Of React: Coding With React, Redux and Ramda

A look at writing elegant code using React, Redux and Ramda in addition to other libraries and features. All the code is written in a functional style.


Jetpack 4.3 Now Rebuilt Using React.js

Automattic, makers of WordPress among other fine products, is increasing on its JavaScript use in its products. Jetpack’s interface has been rebuilt completely using ReactJS and is now in beta.


Putting your money where your package.json is

It is a sad reality that we use so many open source projects without giving back to them at all.


Community curated list of React Components

Nice list of React Components that are all curated and open to submission from anyone.


WhatsApp clone coded in ReactJS

Amazing open source clone of WhatsApp using ReactJS. These projects not only show you what is possible with ReactJS, but also give you a great starting point to work on some projects on your won. What’s more is WhatsApp is owned by Facebook so this is an ideal project that will no doubt be a candidate for being converted into Reactjs.


Build a Universal React & Node App on the server

An awesome tutorial showing earn how to build a Isomorphic application using React, React Router, Express along with NodeJS.

That’s it for this week!
Don’t forget to subscribe, so you get notified for every issue, labor day or not!

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