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Welcome to issue 46.

This week we look at real world React, learn Redux from the basics, make custom maps with React Native, findout what DevOps is all about and much more!


Real World React

Real World React apps and their open source codebases for developers to learn from


Formik: Forms in React

Let’s face it, forms are really verbose in React.



Learn Django


Redux From Scratch: Core Concepts

Understand the fundamentals of React, ES6, and the basic build of a React application (NPM, Webpack, Babel).


React Armory

Learn React From The Comfort Of Your Browser.


React Ecosystem Setup — Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Understand what React, Webpack, and Babel are doing and how to configure them yourself.


React, Relay and GraphQL: The Times Redesign

The New York Times website is changing, and the technology we use to run it is changing too.


Custom map using React Native

Maps alone can be difficult to deal with, however when adding additional content, and animated interactions they become a more powerful and friendly.


React create-component-app.

How much time do you spend copying and pasting the component folder to create a new one ?


React Pattern: Extract Child Components to Avoid Binding

Here’s a common scenario in React: You’re mapping over an array, and you need each item to call a click handler and with some relevant data.


Introducing Explore GraphQL

GraphQL benefits, success stories, guides, and more.


That’s it for the newest edition of the best weekly ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

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