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Welcome to issue 52.

This week we master JavaScript in a weekend, look at Flow with React, do React Native testing, build beautiful React Animations, look at use cases for GraphQL, and much more!


Even Better Support for React in Flow

It is time to rethink how Flow models React.


Rethinking drag and drop

Taking something basic and making it beautiful.



Learn Clojure


Shared Element Transition with React Native.

In this post I will be talking about how to achieve Shared Element Transition with React Native for both iOS and Android.


Why We’re Betting on GraphQL

Give compelling use cases for GraphQL.


Server-Render like a Pro /w Redux-First Router in 10 steps

By doing things the Redux First Router way, you can encapsulate all your needs in Redux (both client and server). AKA, Universal Redux.


How to do end-to-end testing on React Native with Detox

React Native + Detox.


Reducing the Reducer Boilerplate With createReducer()

This article is a short and simple walk-through for reducing the reducer boilerplate by using a more functional approach.


Build a progress meter In ReactJS

Learn how to use React + SVG rectangles to visualize progress in a React application.


Kea for state management in React

Kea is the name of the latest state management library for React that you have never heard of.


Checklist to Deploy React Native to Production

A quick checklist of tasks you can use to successfully bring your React Native app to production.

That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

Like & follow for all the news about ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL!

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