Table of Contents
Welcome to issue 61.
This week we explain React lifecycle, understand React Native deployments, structure components in React, make cross-platform apps faster with Xamarin and much more!
How to structure components in React?
Programming is quite a complex task. Especially crafting clean code is hard.
componentDidMakeSense: React Lifecycle Explanation
Learn the React lifecycle methods and when/how to use them
Learn Webpack
With styled-components into the future
Preprocessing is dead, long live preprocessing!
Introducing Redux Zero
Redux Zero is a lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
A React journey: from vanilla, to type-safe, to monadic
In this article we will discuss the possible evolution steps of a simple React application.
Solving problems of Higher Order Components…
There have been some criticisms laid against Higher Order Components in recent articles.
Understanding React Native Deployments
You may be confused about what you can and can’t do with your deployed React Native app.
Essential React Native Setup
React Native, when used correctly, can be a powerful tool to craft native mobile experiences.
GraphQL Code-Generator 1.0
The True GraphQL-First platform.
SVG illustrations as React Components
Building React Kawaii.
That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!
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