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Welcome to issue 67.

This week we debug React, use Redux Forms, do high performance animations in React Native, get started with Elasticsearch and much more!


Use real React code and Chrome DevTools to demonstrate powerful new performance tracking features.


About half of React projects use Redux, and about a quarter of those use Redux-Form.



Learn Elasticsearch


There is one that remains unknown to many: The connect’s areStatesEqual option.


A first look at Amazon’s newest GraphQL product.


How to build a high perf parallax effect using a ScrollView.


React as a tool to build design prototypes


Web3 is the bridge between the browser and the Ethereum blockchain.


React Food Truck is a curated set of extensions for discerning React developers who use VS Code.


Took a chance on React Native.


3 steps to implement Redux into React apps.

That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

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