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Welcome to the ninth issue.

This week we feature Darth Vader, Walmart, a double album and a dance off. No seriously! That and much much more!


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Progressive Web Apps with React.js: 1

The Great Addy Osmani’s Part 1 on making Progressive Web Apps with React.js and introduces us to it. Many I always wanted to feature a double album(post) on here…


Progressive Web Apps with React.js: 2

… and this issue we finally do it! Part 2 on making Progressive Web Apps with React.js by Addy Osmani. This side focuses on page load performance.


ReactJS Explained: Darth Vader Edition

If you’ve seen any of the Star Wars or have any idea about it, then you can understand props and state , thanks to these Star Wars analogies.


Jest 16.0: Turbocharged CLI & Community Update

It’s been a month since the last major release and significant improvements have been made to Jest since then.


Introducing Electrode from Walmart Labs

Electrode is an open source framework built by Walmart Labs for building universal React/Node.js applications.


Creating Universal Windows Apps With React Native

You can now make your React Native applications run on the Universal Windows families of devices, which includes desktop, mobile and Xbox.


ReactJS is quite popular

A state of JavaScript poll that shows some interesting data including ReactJS being the most popular framework.


A maintainable project structure for React/Redux

A journey toward a maintainable project structure for React/Redux.


Avoiding Accidental Complexity When Structuring Your App State

A list of practical tips of how to model app state in order to keep your business-logic and yourself as sane as possible.


Publishing react components to NPM

The whole process is repetitive and unnecessarily time consuming for developing ReactJS components, firenpm aims to make that easier.


Angular 2 vs React: The Ultimate Dance Off

A dance off would have been my preferred way to settle this, but for now this list will have to do.

That’s it for the 9th edition, from the greatest blog of ReactJS News!
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