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Best MongoDB courses 2024

Best MongoDB Courses 2023

MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database. MongoDB uses documents (which resemble JSON) with schema. NoSQL is gaining popularity over SQL as the database technology of choice among many startups and companies. NoSQL database is modeled in a way that use techniques that are different from relational databases. MongoDB has quickly become the go to option when using NoSQL database.

Best MongoDB tutorials 2023

MongoDB – The Complete Developer’s Guide 2023

MongoDB is one of the most important NoSQL databases you can work with today. It’s extremely popular, and MongoDB developers are in high demand. Whether you’re building web apps, mobile apps, or any other type of app, or you’re a data scientist, you’ll need to work with data. Storing data, querying it efficiently, and minimizing complexities while optimizing performance are critical tasks.

In detail you will learn:

how to install and use MongoDB locally and in the cloud (MongoDB Atlas)
how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on MongoDB databases
how to filter data effectively
how to work with Mongo Shell and drivers (e.g. Node.js driver)
how to increase performance using indexes (and how to use the right indexes!)
how to use the amazing “Aggregation Framework” built into MongoDB
what cue sets and partitioning are
how to use MongoDB Atlas – the cloud solution offered by MongoDB
how to use the serverless platform (Stitch) offered by MongoDB

Complete MongoDB Administration Guide

Learn how MongoDB works behind the scenes to solve business problems. The best MongoDB course will focus only on MongoDB and MongoDB Shell. No external driver or library.You will learn:

Fully understand how MongoDB works – cursor, batch size, iterator
Launch production database on Atlas MongoDB – cloud-managed MongoDB database
Install and configure production MongoDB on the dedicated or virtual private server
Understand and use different types of MongoDB BSON – ObjectId, ISODate, NumberInt, etc.
Learn how to use MongoDB Shell, Robo 3T (Robomongo), MongoDB Compass for database management
Perform different types of update operations using the operators $ set, $ rename, $ addToSet, $ push, $ inc etc.
Use different types of queries and query operators like $ in, $ eq, $ regex, $ elemMatch, etc.
Easily combine different aggregation steps like $ match, $ group, $ unwind
Understand the purpose of indexes and create indexes
Use backup and restore tools – mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump and mongorestore

Introduction to the MongoDB

You will learn:

Understand the difference between relational and documentary databases
Explain data formats such as JSON, Extended JSON, and BSON
Describe the most commonly used BSON data types such as ObjectID, Date, String, and NumberInt
Understanding MongoDB Structure – Databases, Collections, and Documents
Explain how MongoDB server is managed using MongoDB Shell
Practice inserting documents into the collection
Use different query methods like findOne () and operators like $ and, $ or, $ gt and $ ne
Understand and use update methods such as updateOne () and updateMany ()
Familiarize yourself with update operators such as $ set, $ unset, and $ inc
Successful deletion of documents from collection using deleteOne () and deleteMany () methods
Explain what Aggregation Framework, MongoDB utilities and indexes are
Understand what the external MongoDB driver is and what its purpose is

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