Table of Contents
Best QT Courses 2021
Best QT Tutorials 2021
Qt Core for Beginners with C++
No experience necessary, this is a beginners course that will teach you the basics of Qt and C ++. This course is intended to directly replace an introduction to the C ++ class. This course starts with simple topics such as “what is a variable” and ends with some basic Qt classes and how to use them. The main objective of this course is to provide the student with a solid foundation for progress.
Qt 5 C++ GUI Development For Beginners : The Fundamentals
This course will take you from zero to a level where you can write any Qt C ++ Gui application you want. It is intended for complete beginners but people with different experience levels who want to learn Qt C ++ Gui will find it useful as well.
Qt is unmatched in the field of building C ++-based cross-platform GUI applications. It can currently be used to create software that works on virtually any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS, and even embedded systems. Basically, you build your software once and all you have to do is build it for the platform you want and voila!
The course begins with a complete beginner with both C ++ and Qt in mind, and we’ll walk you through the process of setting up your environment on your platform of choice:
We do a live install of Qt Creator on Windows
We do a live install of Qt Creator on Linux
We guide you how to install Qt Creator on a Mac
We walk you through Qt Creator by showing you the tools that work together to build your app.
Next, we’ll take you on a guided tour of the C ++ programming language, covering the concepts deemed important to start working with Qt to build your brilliant GUI applications. You don’t have to be a C ++ wizard to start writing your applications using Qt. One of the goals of Qt itself is to be as easy to use as possible, helping you to focus on the logic of your application rather than the complex C ++ plumbing. It doesn’t mean that you can do it without any C ++ knowledge. That’s why we take you on a guided tour to cover basic language concepts covering topics such as:
Launch your first console application and understand the main function
Streams that help you write and read data from your C ++ applications
Variables and data types
Basic C ++ operators and control flow where, among other things, you learn about if clauses and loops
Create an app to guess the numbers and collect the concepts learned so far
C ++ functions
C ++ classes
Building your first Qt C ++ GUI application
Create a graphical version of your number guessing game
Next, we visit the fascinating Concept Signals and Slots in Qt where you discover the most flexible way to respond to events:
We will explore lambda functions in C ++ in general, we will need them to use their SIGNAL SLOT syntax
We are exploring different ways to connect signals to slots in Qt
We then do a concept app demo so you can try them out.
Next, we dive into the Qt Widgets section and visit some of Qt’s most important widget classes:
QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout
We visit the size and stretch policies and how they help tie knots in your layouts
QCheckBox and QRadioButton
QMenu, QToolBar, QAction
The dialogs are then explored, we take a look at QDialog and how to create your own custom dialog class from scratch, QDialogButtonBox, QMessageBox, QFontDialog, QFileDialog, QInputDialog and how they add a layer of interactivity to your Qt GUI applications.
We then go on and explore how to work with the Qt resource system, style your Qt applications with QStyle, QPalette, and stylesheets, save your application settings with QSetting, work with files and directories using QFile and QDir and we end the course with a tour of Qt’s network capabilities where we:
See the different classes available for working with networks in Qt
Create an app to download web pages in our Qt apps
Create an app to consume Rest APIs in your Qt apps
This course has been designed to help you become a successful Qt Gui application developer regardless of your current level of expertise. The only requirement is to bring an open mind and a strong willingness to learn. Now please check out some of the preview videos and we’ll start building cross-platform GUI apps using Qt.
Qt Quick and QML For Beginners : The Fundamentals
Qt Quick (QML) is the latest and greatest technology in the Qt framework, for creating sleek, fluid, dynamic, and cross-platform user interfaces that can run mobile devices (Android, IoS, touch (integrated) devices, and any platform. – major desktop form. there (Linux, Windows, Mac) Qt Quick can be used to build stand-alone applications, but it can also be interfaced and / or extended with a C ++ back-end.
The main objective of this course is to help you succeed in becoming a Qt Quick / QML GUI designer and doing so in a timely manner. The course is filled with many straightforward and easy to understand demos, which are carefully designed to help you master a given Qt Quick UI development topic.
The target student is anyone who wants to add Qt Quick / QML user interface design to their skill stack. While Qt Quick is built on top of Qt and C ++, no knowledge of Qt or C ++ is required. The course will also be useful for designers who want to get started with Qt Quick and existing C ++ developers who want to improve their fluid user interface design skills.
We start by setting up your development environment and we suggest you run your first Qt Quick application. We then move on to topics like
Dissecting QML Syntax, where we explore topics such as QML syntax, QML base types, properties and handlers, property binding, and the Qt quick global object;
Qt Quick Basic Elements and look at elements like Rectangle, Text, Image and Item;
Signals and slots;
Working with Javascript, where we explore the javascript environment available to you in QML, where and how to type your JavaScript code into QML files, functions and the scope and import of external JavaScript files;
User input elements: TextInput, TextEdit, MouseArea and drag and drop, properties associated with keys, KeyNavigation and FocusScope
Quick Qt positioning and explore topics like anchors, positioners, layouts, and flow
Qt Quick on Mobile Devices: We take you on a detailed journey of how to run your Qt Quick Apps on Android and show you how you would do the same on IoS.
Qt Quick Controls where we explore a plethora of user interface components available and ready to be used by your awesome applications;
Dialogs: ColorDialog, FileDialog, FontDialog, MessageDialog, and custom dialogs
Model, Visualize, and Delegate where we explore the pieces of the puzzle needed to take advantage of Model View Delegate Architeture in Qt Quick
Transitions, transformations and animations: Oooh Animations! This is the funniest and most captivating topic for me in Qt Quick. We show you how you animate your Qt Quick components and bring your designs to life with tips like states and transitions.
Network: We show you how to download HTTP data using XmlHttpRequest and how to consume REST APIs in your Qt Quick applications using the same JavaScript object
Storage: We first use the Settings component of the Qt.labs module to save and load your application settings and do the same using the LocalStorage module which is supported by an on-board SQLite database.
Qt is the platform of choice for thousands of software projects and some of the most successful companies on the planet. Learning Qt Quick will certainly increase your ability to take advantage of this rich and impressive framework. Please check out some of the preview videos and get started creating smooth and smooth user interfaces with Qt Quick.
Best QT Books 2021
- Gakwaya, Daniel (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 554 Pages - 12/02/2023 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
- Lazar, Guillaume (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 534 Pages - 08/27/2018 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Eng, Lee Zhi (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- New
- Mint Condition
- Dispatch same day for order received before 12 noon
- Strakhov, Pavel (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 714 Pages - 02/25/2018 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Dey, Nibedit (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- Hardcover Book
- English (Publication Language)
- 492 Pages - 05/24/2022 (Publication Date) - Terra Galleria Press (Publisher)
- Hardcover Book
- Luong, QT (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- Hardcover Book
- Summerfield, Mark (Author)
- English (Publication Language)