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Learn SOLID Principles 2025 – Best SOLID Principles Courses & Best SOLID Principles Tutorials

Best SOLID Principles Courses 2021


Best SOLID Principles Tutorials 2021

Basics of Software Architecture & Design Patterns in Java

This course covers software architecture and design models. We will talk about two human topics: SOLID principles and design models. We will implement the problems in Java, but the theoretical context is language independent. I highly recommend typing in the implementations a few times on your own so that you understand them fully.

Section 1:

what are the SOLID principles

principle of single responsibility

principle open closed

Liskov substitution principle

interface segregation principle

dependency inversion principle

Section 2:

what are the behavioral design patterns

strategy model

observer model

order template

iterator model

model model and null object model

visitor template

Section 3:

what are the creative design patterns

singleton pattern

factory model

builder model

Section 4:

what is the structural design pattern

decorator pattern

facade pattern

adapter model

Section 5:

the model-view-controller (MVC) model

Java application with MVC

In the first part of the course, we will discover the SOLID principles. We will talk about the theory as well as the implementations.

The second part of the course deals with design models. We need to have a deep understanding of these models in order to be able to write reusable software components. These techniques become more and more important as the applications become more and more complex, so – in my opinion – these topics are good to know.

SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture

In this course, you will master the SOLID principles of object-oriented design and architecture. You will understand each of these principles in detail and learn how to apply them in real software systems. You will also learn the WHY of the SOLID principles and understand what benefits you get from them.

The SOLID principles were distilled about 20 years ago, but the body of knowledge they incorporate is even older than that. These five principles embody at least 40 years of academic research and experience in the software design and architecture industry. They constitute a universal framework which aims at obtaining software of better quality.

The SOLID principles provide a solid foundation and provide actionable guidelines for writing clean, maintainable code. SOLID code is flexible, extensible and readable. Such a code is much more pleasant to work with and constitutes a valid reason for professional pride.

Over the past decades, SOLID principles have become part of the vocabulary of developers. They appear everywhere: from software books and lectures to job interviews. And no wonder! SOLID principles allow effective dialogue on software design and architecture. They will guide you through the initial design proposal and will be of great help to you later in architectural reviews. Therefore, if you want to be able to speak the language of software developers, you need to understand SOLID principles.

Overall, if you are a professional software developer and use an object-oriented language, this course is for you.

SOLID Principles: Introducing Software Architecture & Design

Anyone can code. But what differentiates a professional software engineer from an amateur coder is how well the end product is designed and well coded. The quality of the code is hard to find. Unfortunately, most coders start straight off without understanding the basic concepts of software design. This course will help an aspiring coder, as well as an established programmer who wants to learn how to better design and write quality code.

It is very important to understand the basic concepts of SOLID. Once you master the basics, writing quality code will come naturally to you.There are tons of free YouTube videos on SOLID, but they try to teach you in chunks and don’t pick the right analogies and snippets. code. What you need is a holistic picture, which this course aims to provide. I spent a lot of time and effort developing the content for this course. Every concept, every analogy, every code example has been carefully chosen so that the design principles remain in your mind. I’ve used graphic illustrations and real-world analogies wherever possible to make the point stand out.

Something else special about this course – Subtitles are handwritten and accurate. I even checked the timetables to ensure accuracy. Most courses come with captions that are automatically generated using a Speech-To-Text engine, which is quite low in accuracy. But not mine! I took care to script my course to perfection and to include the subtitles as well. So if you are at work and want to mute me, please do not hesitate, although I would like you to hear my voice. If you want to mute me, just turn on the subtitles in Udemy and play!

You will learn:

Anyone can code, but good code is hard to find. Stand out by learning to write great code.
Learn basic software architecture by applying SOLID principles.
Apply SOLID principles to write quality code, as a software engineer.
Well-designed illustrations to help understand basic concepts. Minimal smart slides.
Find out what makes elegant and robust code different from poorly designed code.
Get the right concepts using real world analogies.
Live sessions where existing code is analyzed and design holes are selected.
Practical sessions where existing code is redesigned and reorganized after applying SOLID design principles.

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