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Welcome to issue 83.

This week we get guides on learning React 16, avoid React Anti-Patterns and Gotchas, build better GraphQL APIs, carry out SSR in React 16, Learn more and save more and much more!


Tyler McGinnis’ updated guide to learning React.js, updated for React 16.3


Srebalaji Thirumalai’s guide for people who are starting with React.


Learn Backbone.js


Arafat Salman tells us how to not React.


Linh Nguyen My shows us how.


Gilad Shoham teaches how to improve your GraphQL API.


Nicolas Couvrat details how React Native functions internally.


Sachee walks us through the process.


Graphcool tells us why GraphQL is becoming the new standard for API development.


ReactCC introduces React Component Caching.


Jonathan Saring adds 11 more great libraries for React components.

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