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Best Figma Courses 2025

Best Figma Courses 2025

Best Figma tutorials 2025

Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma

Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma is the fifth course in a certificate program that will equip you with the design system skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you will follow step-by-step tutorials to learn how to create high-fidelity designs, called mockups, in Figma, a popular design tool. Then, you’ll turn those designs into an interactive prototype that works like a finished product. You’ll conduct research to collect feedback about your designs and make improvements. Finally, you’ll learn how to share your designs with development teams and highlight your work in your professional UX portfolio.

Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

– Build mockups and high-fidelity prototypes in Figma.
– Define and apply common visual design elements and principles.
– Demonstrate how design systems can be used to organize, standardize, and enhance designs.
– Understand the role of design critique sessions and feedback while iterating on designs.
– Learn how to hand off finished design projects to engineering teams.
– Complete mobile app designs to include in a professional UX portfolio.

This course is suitable for beginner-level UX designers who have completed the previous four courses of the Google UX Design Certificate. Alternatively, learners who have not completed the previous courses should have a strong understanding of the design process, how to create low-fidelity designs on paper and in Figma, and how to conduct usability studies.

Learn Figma – UI/UX Design Essential Training

How to design beautiful and engaging mobile apps with Figma. This Figma course will help you learn how to create user interface designing using Figma’s powerful tools. You will learn the Figma interface and tools to make responsive designs and elements.This Figma tutorial will guide you through designing and prototyping an app. You will learn to use multiple artboards, custom icon designs, editing images and text, etc. This is the best Figma course in 2025.

Figma is a very powerful application that runs online. There is virtually no platform limit when it comes to using figs because you can design in a web browser or use their desktop applications designed for Windows and Mac. Figma is similar to Sketch and Adobe XD but is the strongest of the three in terms of team collaboration and fast and responsive design.

This course will cover the design of user interfaces using powerful figma tools. In the first section product designer will cover the Figma interface and where you can explore the constraints of making your designs responsive and creating a library of design elements to use in your projects. I will also review real-time collaboration with the team and how you can use FIMA to work with others on the same project. Next, you design and prototype a “Chef’s Recipe” app that includes and refines multiple artboards, custom icon designs, image and text editing, and everything you need to create a realistic design.

Figma for UI/UX Design 2025: Learning by Doing approach

This is very much a practical course on learning Figma. At the end of the course, you will have an aesthetically pleasing Project of a Website to show in your portfolio.

Figma is increasingly becoming the tool of choice for UI/UX Design teams all over the world. It is because Figma is much more powerful than Adobe XD and Sketch when it comes to its capability to collaborate and develop responsive design. In this course, you will learn Figma while designing while you are learning. This learning by doing methodology will help you learn Figma more effectively.

In this course, you will also learn the process of UI/UX Design with Figma, which starts at the client brief, and ends with a beautiful design which the client loves. You are requested to follow the course and start working in Figma in parallel. The course covers following steps in the UI/UX Design process:

Understanding Client’s Design

Understanding the Wireframe

Creating Colour Palette matching to the Brand Design

Choosing Typefaces and Type Scale

Designing a modern User Interface according to the requirement

Use Figma specific features like Auto Layout to speed up your workflow

This course is specifically aimed at beginners to help then get upto speed. Learning a tool is not enough to create an output of relevance, and hence, this course is a project based course. At the end of the course you will have a beautiful website design (with website copy) for a study abroad company to show off in your portfolio.

Learn Figma for Web Design, User Interface, UI UX in an hour

Learn the most important skill of 2025, Graphic Design in Figma in just an hour! Taught by a professional web designer who has their own startups, Figma is the best tool to jumpstart your design career and fulfill your passion for design. With it you can do UI UX Design, Graphical User Interface, Web Design, Wireframe, User Interface, Icon, Logo Design, Graphic Design all in Figma!

Learn Figma: User Interface Design Essentials – UI/UX Design

By the end of this course, you will be able to create world-class user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designs. Throughout the course, you will first learn about all the basics of design, UI elements, typography, and more, and then we will work together on real projects. This course has been designed for people who are completely new to UI / UX design or let’s say design in general. We’ll start with the most basic principles and work through it step by step.

We start the course by explaining the differences between UI and UX design. And then we will start to learn more about the Figma app in the Figma Academy section. After that, we will create a simple low fidelity wireframe to understand its use and benefits. Essential tools needed to create an amazing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Not only will you learn about the Figma app, but you will also learn about Adobe Photoshop, Vectary, Dribbble, Behance, etc.

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