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Best Apache Nifi Courses 2025

Best Apache Nifi Courses 2021

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Best Apache Nifi Tutorials 2021

Introduction to Apache NiFi | Cloudera DataFlow – HDF 2.0

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Apache NiFi (Cloudera DataFlows – ex Hortonworks DataFlow) is an innovative technology to create data flows and solve your streaming challenges?

In today’s big data world, fast data is becoming increasingly important. Large-scale and fast data streaming between all your systems must be centralized, automated, and fault-resilient to ensure proper delivery to your downstream systems.

With NiFi, you can build all of your streams right from one user interface, no coding required, and at scale!

Apache NiFi initially used by the NSA in order to be able to move data at scale and was later open source. Being such a hot technology, Onyara (the company behind it) was then bought by Hortonworks, one of the main backers of the Big Data Hadoop project and then Hadoop Data Platform.

Apache NiFi is now used in many leading organizations that want to harness the power of their fast data by finding and transferring information to and from their database and big data lakes. It is a key learning tool for analysts and data scientists. Its simplicity and its drag-and-drop interface make it child’s play!

You can create streaming pipelines between Kafka and Elasticsearch, FTP and MongoDB, and much more! The limit is your imagination

This course will give you an introduction to Apache NiFi technology.

With a mix of theory lessons and hands-on labs, you’ll get started and build your first data flows.

You will learn how to configure your connectors, processors and read your FlowFiles to get the most out of the NiFi offering.

The most important configuration options will be presented so you can get started in no time.

We will also analyze a chosen model from the web and understand how to debug your feeds and route your data to different processors based on the results through relationships.

We will finally discover the integrations between NiFi and Apache Kafka or MongoDB. Lots of learning to come!

With over an hour and a half of videos and over 15 lessons, you’ll be fully understanding Apache NiFi in no time!

You will learn how to install and configure Apache NiFi to get started.

You will learn the Apache NiFI architecture and basic concepts

Basic concepts such as FlowFile, FlowFile Processor, Connection, Flow Controller, Process Groups etc.

You will learn how to effectively use Apache NiFi to distribute data using NiFi between different large scale systems.

You will also understand how to monitor Apache NiFi

Integrations between Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi!

You will learn:

Install and configure Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi architecture design
Master basic functionality such as FlowFile, FlowFile Processor, Connection, Flow Controller, Process Groups, etc.
Use NiFi to stream data between different systems at scale
Monitor Apache NiFi
Integrate NiFi with Apache Kafka
NiFi integration with MongoDB

Apache NiFi – A Complete Guide | Cloudera DataFlow | HDF/CDF

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Apache NiFi is a solid data ingestion, distribution framework, and ETL option. Apache NiFi is the heart of the Hortonworks data platform. It can propagate any data content from any source to any destination.

NiFi enables the collection, retention, analysis and action on any data anywhere (edge, cloud, data center) with integrated end-to-end security and provenance. This unique set of features makes NiFi the best choice for implementing new data-centric use cases that require geographically distributed architectures and high levels of SLA (availability, security and performance).

NiFi is based on a different programming paradigm called Flow-Based Programming (FBP). This is one of the fastest growing Apache projects and is expected to grow exponentially over the next several years.

The big data job market is still hot. Big Data positions are difficult to fill, the demand for experienced Big Data engineers is intense, the knowledge bonuses are high, and more people are learning Big Data skills in the hope of making more money.

The field of Big Data is quite large and it can be a very daunting task for anyone starting to learn Big Data and its associated technologies. Big data technologies are plentiful and it can be difficult to decide where to start. There is a lot of room for Big Data and its associated technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Elastic Search, etc.

So start your BigData journey today by discovering Apache NiFi which can integrate well with almost all popular big data technologies such as Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Elastic Search, etc.

the ultimate guide for beginners. I also kept the course relatively short to keep it interactive and provided the skills required to start working with Apache NiFi.

“In this course, we will only focus on Apache NiFi and the different features of NiFi. We will not focus on any other specific big data technology integration with NiFi. But by the end of this course, you will have all the required skills. to work on your Big Data Pipeline / ETL needs using NiFi ”.

“What are you waiting for? Register now!” and become an Apache NiFi expert (zero to hero) in less than 3 hours.

This course program includes:

1) Presentation of Apache NiFi

2) Installation of Apache NiFi

3) Apache NiFi Basics

4) Practical work with Apache NiFi

5) Advanced concepts of Apache NiFi (data origin, back pressure, prioritization, expiration, etc.)

6) NiFi monitoring

7) NiFi register for version control

8) NiFi custom processors

9) NiFi in cluster mode

You will learn:
Basic Apache NiFi Concepts for Designing Your Data Pipeline or ETL
Main NiFi features such as back pressure, prioritization, expiration, report task, data provenance, etc.
More advanced features of NiFi like cluster configuration, monitoring, NiFi registry, custom processors, etc.
Install Apache NiFi in standalone mode and cluster mode
Hands-on experience with Apache NiFi
Using the NiFi Registry for Version Control
Creation of custom NiFi processors
NiFi monitoring

Apache NiFi Complete Master Course – HDP – Automation ETL

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Apache Nifi is a next-generation infrastructure for building a data pipeline and integrating with almost all popular business systems. It has over 250 processors and over 70 controllers.

This course covers all basic to advanced concepts available in Apache Nifi such as





Process group


Data source

Relationship with processors

Entry and exit ports

This course also covers Apache Nifi subprojects like

Nifi Registry

In production maintenance, the user may need to make careful decisions to improve performance and handle errors effectively. To facilitate the same, Demo also covers on

Throughput and latency management

Backpressure and efficiency management

Error handling

New failed attempt

Surveillance bulletin

Data source

To have a seamless experience with data, it is important to manage data latency and throughput, and to prioritize data. Its controlled with relation, yield and back pressure.

Different processors and controllers for handling different types of data are demonstrated.

The processors which are used in production scenarios like HTTP, RDBMS, NoSQL S3, CSV, JSON, Hive, etc., are covered in detail with controllers like SSL, ConnectionPool, etc., with demo.

All of these concepts are covered by a demonstration and a real-time implementation is provided.

For simple convenience, the entire demonstrated stream file template is downloaded as part of the course.

Demo on the creation and use of KeyStore, Trust Store for SSL communication.

Using Maven and Eclipse EE for a custom processor and deploying a nar file in the Nifi libraries.

You will learn:

The basics of Apache Nifi (Niagara Files) with advanced concepts
Flowfile, processor, connections, controller, process group, I / O ports, funnel, etc.,
Installation, security, customization, scalability of Apache Nifi
Develop simple to complex data flows and put them into production
Nifi Registry – Dataflow Registry
Hortonworks DataFlow HDF
Integrate with Kafka, NoSQL database, RDBMS, file system, etc.
Porcess different types of files like CSV, JSON, text file etc.,

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