Table of Contents
Best Spring MVC Courses 2022
Best Spring MVC Tutorials 2022
Spring MVC For Beginners – Build Java Web App in 25 Steps
You will build the website step by step – in over 25 steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to developing Java web applications. You will use Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (Dependency Management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Web Server. We will help you configure each of them.
You will learn
Basic Todo management application with login / logout
Model, Controllers, ViewResolver and Filters
Forms – data binding, validation
Annotation-based approach – @RequestParam, @PathVariable, @ModelAttribute, @SessionAttributes, etc.
Bootstrap to style the page
Spring safety
Exception handling
Basic REST services
You will learn:
You will create a 25-step STEP-BY-STEP Todo management app using Spring MVC, Bootstrap, Maven, and Eclipse
You will understand Spring MVC FUNDAMENTALS – DispatcherServlet, Controllers, ModelMap, ModelAndView, Views (JSP), JSTL, @RequestParam and @SessionAttributes.
You will learn how to implement form binding and validation using Spring MVC.
You will learn how to use Spring Security for authentication and authorization
Build 2 Basic Spring Rest Web Services
You will learn how to implement exception handling using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler
You will learn how to implement internationalization
You will understand the basics of using Maven, Tomcat and Eclipse
You will learn how to use Maven for basic dependency management
You will learn how to style web applications with Bootstrap (basics)
RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA
This is a very hands-on video course for novice Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful web service application with Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, and Spring Data JPA to implement features such as:
User registration and connection,
Email verification,
Reset password,
Get the API call from user details,
Get the list of users API calls and implement pagination,
Update user details and remove API calls from user details,
Learn how to secure web service endpoints with Spring Security,
Learn how to use Amazon AWS Simple Email Service (SES) to send and request confirmation of the user’s email address,
and learn how to generate and include the JSON web token in the HTTP request.
Students will learn how to use the HTTP Postman client software to send: HTTP POST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set the necessary HTTP headers. We will also discuss how:
Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body and,
How to pass data via URL query string and as a path parameter,
How to enable your RESTful web service to respond to HTTP Cross Origin AJAX requests.
You will also learn how to make your RESTful web service accept and respond with the media type of JSON or XML.
This video course will teach you how to:
Download and install Spring Tool Suite (STS),
Download and install the MySQL server and the MySQL Workbench GUI,
Download and run Apache Tomcat,
Add a specific Apache Tomcat version to your Spring Tool Suite,
The Maven user to create and run your project as well as to bundle it into a deployable WAR file,
You will also learn how to run your web service as a Java application with integrated Tomcat,
Deploy your RESTful web service on Apache Tomcat as well as,
Start your own Amazon AWS EC2 service in Amazon Cloud, install Java, MySQL, Tomcat, and deploy RESTful Web Service on your own cloud server.
This video course also covers the H2 in-memory database and teaches how to create a RESTful web service that stores data in a database without the need to install MySQL or any other database server. You will also learn how to use the H2 console to preview data stored in in-memory database tables or in a MySQL database server.
When it comes to storing data in a database, you will learn how to use Spring Data JPA query methods as well as native SQL queries.
You will also learn how to use JUnit 5 to test your code and how to use one of the most popular testing frameworks called Rest Assured to test the RESTful web service endpoints of your REST API.
You will learn:
Create a RESTful web service with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
Learn how to implement user login functionality
Learn how to implement the user registration feature
Protect the RESTful web service with Spring Security Framework
Learn how to implement token-based authentication
Implement password reset and email verification features
Use Spring Data JPA Query Methods
Use Spring Data JPA native SQL queries
Download and install MySQL Server on Mac
Download and install MySQL Workbench
Download and install Spring Tool Suite
Create a new project using Spring Tool Suite and Spring Initializer
Download, run and stop Apache Tomcat
Deploy the RESTful web service application to Apache Tomcat
Run the RESTful web service application as media with the Java application
Create and run the REST API with Maven
Use the Postman HTTP client to send an HTTP request to web service endpoints
Start the Amazon EC2 server
Install Java, MySQL, and Apache Tomcat on the Amazon AWS EC2 server
Deploy the RESTful web service on the Amazon AWS EC2 server
Use the in-memory database H2
Use the H2 Database Console to preview the data in the memory database as well as in a stand alongside the MySQL database server
Use JUnit 5 to test the code
Use Rest Assured to test the RESTful web service endpoint
Best Spring MVC Books 2022
Spring MVC: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series)
- Deck, Paul (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 368 Pages - 04/30/2014 (Publication Date) - Brainy Software (Publisher)
Spring MVC: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series) by Paul Deck is a tutorial on Spring MVC, a Spring Framework module for rapidly developing web applications. MVC in Spring MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a design pattern widely used in graphical user interface (GUI) development. This model is not only common in web development, it is also used in desktop technology such as Java Swing. Sometimes referred to as Spring Web MVC, Spring MVC is one of the most popular web frameworks today and one of the most sought after skills. This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to develop Java web applications with Spring MVC.
Spring in Action 5th Edition
- Walls, Craig (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 520 Pages - 11/05/2018 (Publication Date) - Manning (Publisher)
Spring in Action 5th Edition by Craig Walls. It is the completely updated revision of Manning’s best-selling Spring in Action. This new version includes all updates to Spring 5.0, as well as new samples on responsive programming, Spring WebFlux, and microservices. You’ll also find the latest Spring best practices, including Spring Boot for installing and configuring applications.
Spring in Action, 5th Edition walks you through the basic features of Spring, explained in Craig Walls famous clean style. You will roll up your sleeves and step by step create a secure database-based web application. Along the way, you’ll explore responsive programming, microservices, service discovery, RESTful APIs, implementation, and best practices from the experts. Whether you’re new to Spring or upgrading to Spring 5.0, this Manning classic is your ticket!
Spring MVC: Beginner’s Guide – Second Edition
- Amuthan G (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 362 Pages - 07/29/2016 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (Publisher)
Spring MVC: Beginner’s Guide – Second Edition by Amuthan Ganeshan in learning progressive to configure the environment of the development of Spring, the architecture, the controllers, the libraries, etc. before moving on to developing a full web application. It begins for an introduction to the environment of the development and the architecture of Spring so that you are familiarized with the savoir-faire. From there we move on to Controllers, Views, Validations, Spring Tag Libraries, etc. Finally, we are integrating it all together to develop a web application. You will also become familiar with the applications of reliability test. What you will learn:
Familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the Spring 4.X development environment
Understand the architecture of web applications and the Spring MVC request flow
Integrate bean validation and personalized validation
Use the management of errors and the resolution of exceptions
Familiarize yourself with developing REST and Ajax-based web services
Test your web application
- Amuthan G. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 304 Pages - 06/25/2014 (Publication Date) - Packt Pub Ltd (Publisher)
- Kurniawan, Budi (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 422 Pages - 11/15/2014 (Publication Date) - Brainy Software (Publisher)
- Felip Miguel Puig (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 426 Pages - 07/12/2024 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
- Amuthan G (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 362 Pages - 07/29/2016 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (Publisher)
- Deinum, Marten (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 596 Pages - 01/05/2021 (Publication Date) - Apress (Publisher)
- Walls, Craig (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 520 Pages - 11/05/2018 (Publication Date) - Manning (Publisher)
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Ladd, Seth (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Deck, Paul (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- Walls, Craig (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 624 Pages - 11/28/2014 (Publication Date) - Manning (Publisher)
- Sarin, Ashish (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 640 Pages - 10/04/2011 (Publication Date) - Manning Publications (Publisher)