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Best GraphQL courses 2025

FullStack Advanced React & GraphQL

FullStack Advanced React & GraphQL by Wes Bos teaches you advanced React and GraphQL. While not strictly a GraphQL tutorial, it will show you how to use GraphQl in real-world apps. You will build a real-world full-stack online clothing store complete with credit card checkout. You should have a good grasp of all things React before taking this course. Extensive use of GraphQL Queries is made in this course. You will also make use of GraphQL Yoga, Apollo Client & Prisma. Apollo Client will be used for Data Management. GraphQL Yoga is an Express GraphQL Server. Prisma is a GraphQL Database Interface. Next.js will be used for server side rendering, routing and tooling. Testing will be done with Jest & Enzyme.

This is the best GraphQL course in 2023.

GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide

Learn and master GraphQL. You will be building single page applications with GraphQL and Reactjs. This GraphQL tutorial starts by teaching you the GraphQL basics. You will learn all about GraphQL data types, GraphQL schemas, and GraphQL implementation with React and Express. GraphQL examples and GraphQL code used are included.

You will learn:

Create amazing one-page apps with React JS and graphql language
Master the fundamental concepts of structuring GraphQL servers
Leverage the power of creating flexible data schemas
Be the engineer who explains how GraphQL works to everyone because you know the fundamentals so well
Familiarize yourself with the ecosystem that supports GraphQL, including the differences between Apollo and Relay

This GraphQL tutorial will help you master the fundamental programming language concepts in structuring GraphQL servers. By the time you finish this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn all you need about the GraphQL ecosystem to build client applications. This is among the best GraphQL tutorial. You will learn:

  • How to use GraphQL’s schema to define relations between your data objects.
  • Combining a backend server with a front end React.
  • Master the process of thinking about your application’s data in terms of a graph structure.
  • The differences between GraphQL, Apollo, and Relay, and when to use each.
  • Develop apps that are unique, fun, and responsive.
  • Build servers that can be used with both React and React Native.
  • Master handling authentication with GraphQL.
  • Core principles of navigation with React Router and GraphQL.

The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)

This GraphQL tutorial is ideal for beginners. You will learn by building real-world apps. You will use Apollo Client for communicating with GraphQL from the app and Prisma to store and access data from a production database. GraphQL schemas, data types, queries, mutations, subscriptions is covered in this GraphQL course. You will then learn advanced GraphQL features like authentication, database storage, production deployment, automated test suites are used. This Graphql tutorial will show you how to deploy and test your GraphQL applications. This GraphQL tutorial will help you learn:

  • Model your application data using schemas.
  • Create queries and subscriptions allowing clients to access data in the database.
  • Create mutations allowing clients to create and change data in the database.
  • Query and change your data from the browser by making requests with Apollo Client.
  • Work with the Prisma ORM to communicate with your database via a GraphQL API.
  • Deploy your GraphQL applications to production.
  • Secure your application data with an authentication system.
  • Write an automated test suite for your application.

You will learn:

Learn and master GraphQL by building real Node applications.
Use Prisma v1 to store and access data from a production database.
Use Apollo Client to communicate with using GraphQL from your web application.
Learn how to deploy and test your GraphQL applications.
Test your skills and gain confidence by completing over 80 coding challenges.
Access a free 110-page PDF guide with lecture notes, code samples, and links to documentation.

GraphQL by Example

More and more teams are choosing GraphQL instead of (or with) REST for their web APIs. GraphQL queries give clients great flexibility in how they request data from the server, thus avoiding issues such as overfishing or underfishing of data, and allowing multiple resources to be retrieved in a single query. In this course, you will learn how to use GraphQL both on the server side and in client applications through practical examples in the form of full-stack JavaScript applications. You will be introduced to all major GraphQL concepts such as schema definition, queries, mutations, and subscriptions, as well as the solution to common requirements such as authentication / authorization management and client-side caching.

Build a Realtime App with React Hooks and GraphQL

Build a Realtime App with React Hooks and GraphQL by Reed Barger will help you build full-stack apps with React Hooks and GraphQL. Basic familiarity of React Hooks and GraphQL is required. The best GraphQL tutorial. This GraphQL concepts you will learn include:

  • How to build a robust GraphQL Server with Authentication using Apollo Server 2.
  • GraphQL client libraries, including Apollo Client and GraphQL Request.
  • Replacing Redux with the useContext and useReducer Hooks for global state management.
  • All the major concepts within GraphQL: Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, TypeDefs, Resolvers, Inputs.
  • All the major hooks including useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer.
  • Building Custom Hooks to ‘hook in’ to additional functionality to your applications.
  • Integrating Social Login (Google OAuth) with Apollo Server 2.
  • Display App Changes in Realtime with GraphQL Subscriptions.
  • Dynamic image uploads using the Cloudinary API.
  • MongoDB in the cloud with MongoDB Atlas.
  • Using Mongoose to create models, CRUD and search operations, and population.
  • Making attractive apps with the Material UI component. .library and Material UI Icons.
  • The Material UI ‘useMediaQuery’ Hook.
  • Develop stunning map applications with the Mapbox API and ReactMapGL.
  • Use the Geolocation API to get Users’ Current Location.
  • Create Route Guards / Protected Routes with React Router v4.
  • Authentication and authorization concepts within GraphQLand Apollo.
  • Error handling.
  • Async and await functions along with ES6 / ES7 concepts.
  • Deployment with Heroku and Now v2.
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