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Learn Metasploit 2025 – Best Metasploit Courses & Best Metasploit Books

Best Metasploit Courses 2021


Best Metasploit Tutorials 2021

Practice Your First Penetration Test: Kali & Metasploit Lab

Learn the popular security tools and techniques you’ll need to run penetration testing with Kali’s best ethical hack distribution, and the tools: Nmap and Metasploit.

Learn the essential techniques and build a solid foundation in penetration testing in this comprehensive course from scratch!

Establish an ethical hacking environment with Kali
Prepare the virtual victim environment to run your tests safely
Scan targets with easy-to-use and affective controls in Nmap
Discover the vulnerabilities to hack systems
Exploit targets with Metasploit
Interact with payloads on victim machines
Upload documents, create remote users, and take screenshots from running Linux and Windows servers.
Powerful security skills at your fingertips

Learning the basics of ethical hacking puts a powerful and very useful skill at your fingertips. Kali, nmap, and metasploit are free, easy-to-learn tools for beginner to advanced penetration testing operations.

Penetration testing jobs are plentiful, and companies are constantly looking for cybersecurity professionals who have hands-on experience with Kali and Metasploit. Experts in the IT industry are also looking for simple but effective solutions to secure their systems.

This course is perfect for anyone looking to provide safe and secure computer systems with the implementation of ethical hacking and penetration testing solutions.

Suitable for cybersecurity beginners, through this course of over 45 lectures and 3 hours of video content, you will learn all the details about how to configure and use Kali Linux Distribution and establish a solid understanding of the process behind a penetration test. professional.

This course begins by presenting basic but very important aspects of ethical hacking. After this quick summary, you will already find yourself practicing setting up a penetration testing platform with Kali and victimized machines, which you can use in your professional life.

Immediately after deploying the systems, you will immediately start scanning the target environment, which consists of a deliberately vulnerable Linux distribution and 1 Windows 7.

After completing the scan operations, you will learn the famous Metasploit hacking framework with all the important options, training against the victim machines. And finally, you will be able to operate and remotely access Linux and Windows machines, where you will practice ethical hacking skills such as downloading documents and obtaining passwords, exploiting payloads. advanced such as meterpreter.

Upon completion, you will learn how to prepare your ethical hacking environment with Kali, analyze network segments according to your needs, discover vulnerabilities, exploit victims, and gain remote access to compromised machines.

What are the requirements?

A willingness to learn and an open mind
Basic understanding of how computers work
Some Linux and networking experience is a plus

What will I take away from this course?

At the end of this course, you will be able to prepare your hacking environment and start using Kali
You will be able to scan networks to detect open ports and services
You will discover vulnerabilities by comparing the results of your nmap scan and the associated metasploit modules
You will exploit a vulnerable application with metasploit modules
You will access compromised servers and execute commands remotely

Ethical Hacking with Metasploit: Exploit & Post Exploit

It covers the basics of hacking, penetration testing (Kali Linux), taking control using Metasploit, and application development.

Do not worry. You don’t need to have prior knowledge of everything. This course will take you from a beginner level to a more advanced level.

The good news is that since there are free and popular tools in use, you don’t need to buy any tool or app.

All my students will have the chance to learn how to set up a lab environment and install the necessary virtual machines such as Kali Linux and the tools: Nessus and Metasploit.

This course starts with the basics. You will first learn how to install the tools, some terminology, and how the devices communicate with each other. Then you will learn how to analyze vulnerabilities with Nessus and gain full access to computer systems by discovering weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

In this course, you will also become an expert of the Metasploit framework using the msfconsole interface. After learning Metasploit by practicing against victim machines, you will be able to operate and remotely access Linux and Windows victim machines and gain control and access to files (read / write / update / execute).

You will not only learn how to compromise target systems through vulnerabilities, but also how to skip the hash – a real way to exploit systems even if they are not vulnerable.

In this course, you will also learn different techniques for collecting passwords, such as using a keylogger, and learning how to crack password hashes using brute force and dictionary attack techniques.

All the attacks in this course are explained in a simple way and with practical practices. You will first learn the theory behind each attack, then you will learn how to conduct the attack using tools. I always update this course with new content. It’s no secret how fast technology is advancing. New tools are released every day, and keeping up with the latest knowledge is crucial to becoming a better security specialist. You will always have up-to-date content for this course at no additional cost. After purchasing this course, you will have lifetime access to it and all future updates.

Here is the list of what you will learn at the end of the course,

Preparation for practical experiments: Kali, Metasploitable Linux, Windows XP, Windows 8
Vulnerability analysis: how to find vulnerabilities to exploit
Concept & Terminology: Vulnerability, Exploit, Post Exploit, Payload
Risks: operational risks and mitigation
Use databases: Exploit-DB, Packet Storm
Metasploit: Framework Metasploit, Msfconsole, Meterpreter
Pass the hash: Ps-Exec
Persistence: backdoor, service modification, account creation
Meterpreter extensions: Core, Stdapi, Incognito,
MSF post-exploitation modules: reassemble, collect, manage
Password Cracking: Hydra, Cain & Abel, John the Ripper
Shared files and end user computers: with some real world examples

Learn Hacking Windows 10 Using Metasploit From Scratch

In this course you will start as a beginner without any prior knowledge of hacking, the course focuses on the practical side and the theoretical side to make sure you understand the idea before you apply it.

This course is intended for beginners and professionals alike, if you are a beginner you will start from scratch until you become an expert level, and if you are a professional then this course will increase your knowledge about hacking.

In this course, you will learn how black hat hackers hack the Windows operating system using advanced techniques, and also learn how white hat hackers secure the Windows operating system by scanning it and how to detect it. identity of the pirates.

This course is divided into eight sections:

Preparation: in this section, you will learn how to download and correctly configure Kali Linux 2.0 as a virtual machine and how to install it as the main operating system, and you will learn how to configure Windows 10 and Metasploitable as a virtual machine, this will help you create your own safe environment to perform any kind of attack without harming your main operating system.

Gathering Information: After preparing your Penetration Testing Lab, in this section you will learn how to collect as much information as possible about your target, as it will help you a lot in identifying and determining your target and seeing weaknesses. of his OS.

Get Access: Now you will start to manage the Metasploit framework using the msfconsole interface and how to use it like a pro, after that you will start by creating a simple payload using msfvenom, and after that, you will learn how to create an encoded payload using an encoder from msfvenom, and finally, you will learn how to have full access to the target Windows operating system by testing the payload we have created.

Encoding and Combining the Payload: After learning how to manage the Metasploit framework and create a simple payload using msfvenom, you will now learn the advanced techniques to create an encoded payload undetectable by almost any antivirus, and you will also learn how to spoof the backdoor extension and how to combine it with any type of file be it image file, PDF, MP3, EXE, Word, Excel, and we all learn these techniques to make your backdoor little suspicious and convince the target to download and grant your backdoor.

Post Exploitation: After gaining full access to the target operating system in this section, you will learn how to interact with the compromised system using the Meterpreter command line and the best modules you can run on the compromised system. such as (Cracking the admin pass, persist your connection, increase your privileges) and much more …

Hook up with BeEF: in this section, you will learn what BeEF Project is how to connect and manage any user from your BeEF control panel, and you will also learn very sophisticated methods to connect any client on the Internet with your BeEF control panel, and even you will be able to perform very sophisticated attacks to gain full control of the target operating system through BeEF.

Perform the previous attacks on the WAN: so far we have seen how to perform all the previous attacks on our LAN, so in this section you will learn how to perform it on the WAN, it means even if your target was not. connected to your LAN, you will be able to hack it, you will start to learn Internet hacking theory and how you can configure the router to get reverse connection over WAN, then you will learn other methods to get reverse connection over the WAN network and this using a VPN to hide your identity or you can forward the reverse connection to your Kali machine using VPS SSH tunneling.

Protection and detection: Finally, it’s time to learn how to detect any kind of attacks that we have learned and how to prevent you and your Windows operating system from them, so in this section you will start by learning how to detect everything. type of backdoor, whether combined with image, exe, PDF file, etc. using more than just method, and you will also learn how to scan your Windows operating system like experts to check if it is hacked or not, and finally you will learn how to prevent yourself from any kind of attacks that we have learned .

Best Metasploit Books 2021


SaleBestseller No. 1
Metasploit, 2nd Edition
  • Kennedy, David (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 288 Pages - 01/28/2025 (Publication Date) - No Starch Press (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 2
Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Kennedy, David (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
Bestseller No. 3
Metasploit For Beginners: Mastering and Explore effective penetration testing techniques with...
  • Gellis, Steven (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 175 Pages - 02/22/2024 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 4
Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook - Third Edition
  • Teixeira, Daniel (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 426 Pages - 02/23/2018 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 5
The Ultimate Kali Linux Book: Harness Nmap, Metaspolit, Aircrack-ng, and Empire for cutting-edge...
  • Glen D. Singh (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 828 Pages - 04/30/2024 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 6
Metasploit 5.0 for Beginners - Second Edition: Perform penetration testing to secure your IT...
  • Rahalkar, Sagar (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 246 Pages - 04/10/2020 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 7
Mastering Metasploit - Fourth Edition: Exploit systems, cover your tracks, and bypass security...
  • Jaswal, Nipun (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 502 Pages - 06/12/2020 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 8
The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Second Edition: Perform advanced penetration testing using Nmap,...
  • Singh, Glen D (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 742 Pages - 02/24/2022 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 9
Metasploit Bootcamp
  • Jaswal, Nipun (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 230 Pages - 05/29/2017 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 10
Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework
  • Bullock, Jessey (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 288 Pages - 03/20/2017 (Publication Date) - Wiley (Publisher)
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