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Best SpriteKit Courses & Best SpriteKit Tutorials 2025

Best SpriteKit Courses 2022


Best SpriteKit Tutorials 2022

The Complete iOS Game Course Using SpriteKit And Swift 3

We’ve created an awesome Game Development Course that teaches you all the basics so you can build your own games for iOS.

The course is structured to start slowly, giving you the building blocks you need to move forward, and after each video you will increasingly understand the basics of game development with SpriteKit.

We’re taking a hands-on approach in teaching, so we’re going to create some real-world games that you can play once you finish building it.

You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issues that you get stuck with (I check the Udemy forums every day if anyone asks a question). Oh and all the students who take the course will be there to help you too!

All project files will be included and you are free to use them for anything you like, personal or commercial use!

Let’s take a look at the games we’ll be creating inside this course:

– Jack the giant –

We’re going to start with a simple game that I call Jack The Giant. In this game we are going to help Jack down the bean, along the way we can jump on white clouds, but we have to avoid dark clouds. In addition to creating our gameplay, we’ll be creating menus, playing background music, recording our game progress, and more.

– Flappy Bird –

The next game we’re going to make is Flappy Bird, and I know what you’re thinking, oh not another Flappy Bird clone, but it’s not a regular Flappy Bird clone, oh no I added a lot of features you can’t find in any other flappy bird clone such as selecting a bird (choose between different flappy birds), using the advanced features of SKActions and many other features you will see inside classes.

– Cowboy racer –

After Flappy Bird, we are going to create one of the most popular games – Infinite Runner !! In this game we are going to see how to cycle through our backgrounds, how to use NSTimer to help us control our game and much more.

What you will learn

Basic Swift programming
Intermediate Swift programming
Advanced Swift programming
Importing and organizing assets
Animating sprites
Creating menus
Create cool animations
Understand and use the SpriteKit physical system
Saving game data using NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver
Using Game Controllers to Control Your Game Workflow
Listen to music in your game
Use of basic and intermediate features of SKActions
This and much more awaits you in this course

The course teaches everything from the basics to the most advanced about planning, designing and developing your game, but the course will NOT teach you

Build 20 SpriteKit Games for iPhone using Xcode and Swift 3.

Learn how to make iPhone games in Swift 3 with SpriteKit. Learn how to make effective money making games by learning the secrets of development. Take your skills to a whole new level.

One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at the speed you want. This means that you can speed up or slow down the video if you want.

This course is project-based, so you won’t learn a bunch of unnecessary coding practices. By the end of this course, you will have real world apps to use in your wallet. We believe that project-based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means you immediately gain practical and employable skills.

You can use the projects you create in this course to add them to your LinkedIn profile. Fuel your wallet to take your career to the next level.

Learning to code is a great way to start a new career or improve your current career. Coding is the new mathematical calculation and learning to code will propel you in any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will lead the future.

You will get full lifetime access to this course for one price. John Bura has created lots of games, apps, and training courses, so he’s extremely skilled at teaching you how to master technology. He’s an instructor who doesn’t just teach, he produces applications. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most of the lessons don’t show you practical skills or real-life examples.

What makes you a good teacher?

I have published over 40 games and apps that have performed really well in the App Store.
I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in building field applications and making money
I have been teaching since 2002
Personally I like to learn online and my life is much better because I learned online rather than in the classroom
I am one of the 10 most profitable Udemy teachers
I have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.
I make sure people learn how to make money from their designs.
I have over 150,000 students around the world
Who should attend?

People who want to improve their technical skills
Complete beginners
People who want to earn money. I show people the tools to make money through various passive income methods
People who want to get a head start in learning online.
How you will earn money by learning new skills

Acquire practical skills
Find out how to leverage your new skills for greater wealth
Learn through practical examples

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