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Welcome to issue 257!

This week we wite Unit Tests properly, talk GitHub Copilot, React Project Folder Structures and more!

Hot React Summer 2021!

F.Lucivjansky shows how to write unit tests.

Nethmi Wijesinghe on Virtual pair programming.

Summer of Gatsby!

Kumar Nitesh shows how.

Udemy July Sale! Up to 90% OFF!

Piumi Liyana Gunawardhana on 4 CSS Tips to Optimize Web Vitals in Your Application.

30 Days Free of Skillshare Premium!

Alex Barashkov explains how.

Nitin Ranganath uses Next.js and the Notion API.

John Reilly discusses TypeScript control flow analysis of aliased conditions.

Angelo Faella adds meta tags to React.

Pinkesh Darji on adding Flutter.

Chiamaka Ikeanyi explains JS stuff.

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Summer of React!

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