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Learn Stripe 2025 – Best Stripe Courses & Best Stripe Tutorials

Best Stripe Courses 2021

Best Stripe Tutorials 2021

Learn Stripe PHP: Make Checkout Webpages

What is the subject of this course? This course is an introduction to using Stripe with PHP. It creates examples of using the JavaScript payment forms provided by Stripe to accept credit cards. Then it covers the PHP processing of the load of these cards. You use the Stripe dashboard to track charges until a payment is made to your account.

Step-by-step visual eBooks included! Often, following by video is not practical. So each video in this course includes a page from a PDF eBook that you can also use. EBooks are full-size visuals that you see in videos.

Who might find this course useful? This course is intended for those new to Stripe and prefer not to use the documentation to learn. Keep in mind that Stripe provides plenty of examples and documentation that a knowledgeable PHP programmer could follow. So if you are that type of person, consider looking at this option before signing up for this course. However, if you want a deep and relaxed dive into the basics, this could be useful for skilled mid and upper level developers.

Are you ready to take this course? Students in this course are new to intermediate in their PHP, Javascript, JQuery, CSS and HTML skills. You are familiar with these technologies and have some experience. This course will stay on the light side of their use but at the same time provide production quality solutions that you can use in simple applications.

Why take this course? Ecommerce is an essential skill for all web developers using PHP. Often, the barrier of knowing where to start is high for newcomers to e-commerce. Stripe is a well-known platform and is added to PHP sites daily. Stripe is a great place to start and this course can be a great icebreaker for you to learn more on your own or take additional courses that I offer on Stripe. This course is also a good experience to combine HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery and PHP for a solution.

What do you need to take the course? You need to access a website with PHP 5.3.3 or later. You can use a local host website for the course. You need a Stripe test account and the steps to do so are described in the course.

Build an Amazon clone: Nodejs + MongoDB + Stripe Payment

Have you ever wondered how to build your next revolutionary eCommerce web application?

This course will teach you step by step how to clone an Amazon website with the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.js

You will be using Javascript on both the backend and the frontend of the web application.

Live is too short to depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for this amazing technical co-founder to help you build your web app then I suggest instead of waiting you better do yourself.

Every code that will be written by me will be explained in detail. So you don’t have to worry about not understanding some algorithms.

If you are ready to embark on this journey to build an eCommerce web application, what are you waiting for? Let’s go!

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