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Learn Web Development 2025 – Best Web Development courses & Best Web Development books

Best Web Development courses 2021


Best Web Development Books 2021


Best Web Development tutorials 2021

The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021

Throughout the incredibly popular online courses, we cover tons of tools and technologies, including:

Responsive design
JavaScript (all modern syntax 2021, ES6, ES2018, etc.)
Asynchronous JavaScript – Promises, asynchronization / wait, etc.
AJAX and single page apps
Bootstrap 4 and 5 (alpha)
Bulma CSS Framework
DOM manipulation
Unix commands (command line)
Creation of models
SQL vs NoSQL databases
Database associations
Schematic design
Authentication from scratch
Cookies and sessions
Common security issues – SQL injection, XSS, etc.
Best practices for developers
Deploy applications
Cloud databases
Maps and geocoding

You will learn:

Create REAL web applications using cutting edge technologies
Continue to learn and grow as a developer, long after the course ends
Build a blog app from scratch using Express, MongoDB, and Semantic UI
Create a complicated scream-like app from scratch
Write your own browser game
Create portfolio sites and static HTML and CSS landing pages
Think like a developer. Become an expert on code questions on Google!
Create complex HTML forms with validations
Write web applications with full authentication
Use Bootstrap to create nice responsive layouts
Implement responsive navigation bars on websites
Use JavaScript variables, conditions, loops, functions, arrays and objects
Write JavaScript functions and understand scope and higher-order functions
Build complete web apps from scratch
Manipulate the DOM with vanilla JS
Manipulate the DOM using jQuery
Translate between jQuery and vanillas JS
Write JavaScript-based browser games
Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
Write complex web applications with multiple models and data associations
Write a REAL app using everything in the course
Use Express and MongoDB to build full-stack JS applications
Use common JS data structures such as arrays and objects
Master the command line interface
Use NPM to install all kinds of useful packages
Understand the ins and outs of HTTP requests
Create your own Node modules
Create a beautiful and responsive photographer portfolio page
Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for a startup
Implement user authentication
Create a beautiful animated to-do list app

this is thebest Web Development Course in 2021.

The Complete 2021 Web Development Bootcamp

At over 50 hours, this web development course is arguably the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have no programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to master’s level. The course has been updated to be ready for 2021 including:

Front-End Web Development
Bootstrap 4
Javascript ES6
DOM manipulation
Bash command line
Git, GitHub, and version control
Backend web development
Data base
Reaction hooks
Website creation
Deployment with GitHub, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas pages

You will learn:

Be able to create ANY website you want.
Create a portfolio of websites to apply for junior developer jobs.
Build full-fledged websites and web applications for your startup or business.
Work as a freelance web developer.
Master backend development with Node
Master frontend development with React
Discover the latest frameworks and technologies, including Javascript ES6, Bootstrap 4, MongoDB.
Discover the best practices of professional developers.

The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

The course starts with the fundamentals. Working quickly and efficiently with web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and Python. Once you’ve locked that in, build your own responsive websites using more advanced techniques like jQuery PHP 7, MySQL 5, and Twitter Bootstrap. At that time, you will develop blogs and eCommerce sites with WordPress and learn smart ways to add dynamic content, using APls to connect to sites like Google Maps and Facebook. As we all know, the best way to learn is to do it. So you will be taking on fun website challenges every moment. Plus, as you walk through the course, you’ll use your skills to build a site as you go. The last challenge is a full Twitter clone.

Best Web Development books 2021

Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set

Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set by Jon Duckett is a set of two books for web designers and front-end developers. This set of two books combines the titles HTML and CSS: Website Design and Construction and JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Interface Development. Together Jon Duckett’s book will teach HTML and CSS before moving on to JavaScript and jQuery.

HTML and CSS cover structure, text, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, styling with CSS, fonts, colors, reflection in boxes, lists and style tables, layouts, grids and even SEO, Google Analytics, ftp and HTML5. JavaScript and jQuery provide an excellent combined introduction to these two technologies using a clear and simple visual approach using diagrams, infographics, and photographs.

A practical set of two books that uniquely combines related technologies.
A highly visual format and accessible language make these books very effective learning tools
Perfect for novice web designers and front-end developers

This is the best Web Development book in 2021.

Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins. Do you want to create web pages but have no previous experience? This friendly guide is the perfect place to start. To learn how the web and web pages work and then start building regularly from there At the end of the square book, you will have the ability to create a simple site with multi-column pages that fit your mobile device. Each chapter offers exercises to help you learn different techniques and short quizzes to make sure you understand the main idea.

This fully revised version is ideal for students and professionals of all backgrounds and skills levels. It’s simple and clear enough at an early stage, but enough as a useful reference for experienced developers who keep their skills up to date.

Create HTML pages with text, links, images, tables and forms
Use style sheets (CSS) for color, background, text format, layout and even general animation effects
Learn how JavaScript works and why language is so important in web design
Create and customize web images for quick download
Use CSS flexbox and grid for a new sophisticated and flexible layout
Learn the ins and outs of responsive web design to make web pages look great on any new device
Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with new command lines, Git, and other tools in the modern Web Developer Toolkit.
Learn the ins and outs of new SVG graphics

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS: Develop future-proof responsive websites using the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques 3rd Edition

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS by Ben Frain is a revamped and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and best-selling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS tools and techniques for responsive web design. This edition covers all the latest developments and improvements in responsive web design, including improved user accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, CSS Scroll Snap, and much more. With a new chapter dedicated to CSS Grid, you will understand how it differs from the Flexbox layout mechanism and when you should use one over the other. You will learn:

Integrate CSS multimedia queries into your designs; apply different styles to different devices
Upload different sets of images based on screen size or resolution
Take advantage of the speed, semantics, and clean markup of accessible HTML templates
Implement SVG in your designs to provide resolution independent images
Apply the latest CSS features like custom properties, variable fonts, and CSS grid
Add validation and interface elements such as date and color pickers to HTML forms
Understand the multitude of ways to enhance user interface elements with filters, shadows, animations, and more.

Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition: A Modern Introduction to Programming

Eloquent JavaScript Third Edition by Marijn Haverbeke delves into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful and efficient code. It has been updated to reflect the current state of Java ¬Script and web browsers and includes new elements in features such as class notation, arrow functions, iterators, asynchronous functions, template chains, and the scope of blocks. A number of new exercises have also been added to test your skills and keep you on track.

Start by learning the basic structure of the JavaScript language, as well as the control structures, functions, and data structures that will help you write basic programs. Next, you will learn about error handling and error correction, modularity, and asynchronous programming before moving on to web browsers and how JavaScript is used to program them. By creating projects such as an artificial life simulation, a simple programming language, and a painting program, you will learn to:

– Understand the basics of programming, including syntax, control, and data.
– Organize and clarify your clean code with functional and object-oriented programming techniques
– Browser script and create basic web applications
– Use the DOM efficiently to interact with browsers.
– Take advantage of Node.js to create servers and utilities

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 5th Edition

Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 by Robin Nixon will tackle dynamic web programming with the latest versions of today’s core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and jQuery key libraries. Web designers will learn how to use these technologies together and discover valuable web programming practices along the way, including how to optimize websites for mobile devices. At the end of the book, you will put everything together to create a fully functional social media site, suitable for desktop and mobile browsers. You will:

Explore MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
Use the MySQLi extension, the improved MySQL interface for PHP
Create dynamic PHP web pages that adapt to the user
Manage cookies and sessions and maintain a high level of security.
Enhance JavaScript with jQuery and jQuery mobile libraries
Use Ajax calls for background browser server communication
Design your web pages by learning CSS2 and CSS3 skills
Implement HTML5 functionality, including geolocation, audio, video, and canvas element
Reformat your websites in mobile web apps


SaleBestseller No. 1
Full Stack Web Development: A Comprehensive, Hands-On Guide to Building Modern Websites and...
  • Philip Ackermann (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 740 Pages - 08/28/2023 (Publication Date) - Rheinwerk Computing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 2
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
  • HTML CSS Design and Build Web Sites
  • Comes with secure packaging
  • It can be a gift option
SaleBestseller No. 3
Real-World Web Development with .NET 9: Build websites and services using mature and proven ASP.NET...
  • Mark J. Price (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 578 Pages - 12/20/2024 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 4
Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set
  • Brand: Wiley
  • Set of 2 Volumes
  • A handy two-book set that uniquely combines related technologies Highly visual format and accessible...
SaleBestseller No. 5
HTML and CSS QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginners Guide to Developing a Strong Coding...
  • DuRocher, David (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 352 Pages - 01/22/2021 (Publication Date) - ClydeBank Media LLC (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 6
Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies
  • McFedries, Paul (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 848 Pages - 01/31/2024 (Publication Date) - For Dummies (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 7
JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
  • JavaScript Jquery
  • Introduces core programming concepts in JavaScript and jQuery
  • Uses clear descriptions, inspiring examples, and easy-to-follow diagrams
SaleBestseller No. 8
HTML & CSS: The Comprehensive Guide to Excelling in HTML5 and CSS3 for Responsive Web Design,...
  • Jürgen Wolf (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 814 Pages - 04/24/2023 (Publication Date) - Rheinwerk Computing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 9
C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals: Start building websites and...
  • Mark J. Price (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 828 Pages - 11/12/2024 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing (Publisher)
SaleBestseller No. 10
Mastering Node.js Web Development: Go on a comprehensive journey from the fundamentals to advanced...
  • Adam Freeman (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 778 Pages - 06/26/2024 (Publication Date) - Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (Publisher)
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