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Welcome to issue 54.

This week we make scalable React apps, structure React Native properly,  add GraphQL to our backend, make apps for iOS and Android with React Native and much more!


Dan Abramov went from hacking on VBA and C# apps for $200 a week in Russia to building one of the most popular JavaScript libraries (Redux) and working as an engineer at Facebook.


Discover how to organize your React components using the component folder pattern.



Learn Elm


Adding GraphQL to a REST and microservices backend.


Real-world ReactJS usage and what we’ve learned scaling our apps.


tldr; prefer PureComponent over Component, but never mutate your objects (and use other best practices)


Component-based Development vs Cotton Picking


This article contains few tips on how to structure your app to ease the development process.


Surely, there must be a better way to handle side effects and async code.


Build a prototype of Instagram’s photos.


React Router v4 provides an intuitive, declarative API for building React apps that support navigation.

That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

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