Table of Contents
Welcome to the sixth issue.
School is now in full session!
A lot happening in the world of GraphQL API! More and more cool ways to use React Native and much more this issue!
Learn CouchDB
Introducing GitHub GraphQL API
This week was all about GraphQL and It’s API’s being made public. First off, was the documentation from GitHub on how to use it.
Using GitHub GraphQL API
A lovely article about how to use GitHub GraphQL API. It talks about what you need to know about GitHub’s new GraphQL API.
React Router v4 FAQ
The new version of react Router, version 4 is out. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Exposing Native Modules with React Native
Making Native Modules with React Native will only make your build process faster. Native Modules API might actually be React Native’s most powerful and best feature.
Firefox is switching to a ReactJS-based debugger
Firefox is slowly transitioning away into using more and more ReactJS code. Firefox’s Debugger is built from the ground up using ReactJS and Redux. It is already included in the latest version of Firefox Nightly.
Introducing React Router Native
React Router Native has been in the works for a while now. It is a routing library for React Native that enables API parity with react-router. It was born out of the problem that
React Router doesn’t support React Native.
React Native @ Airbnb
Airbnb is one of the biggest users and contributors to ReactJS. It comes as no surprise that they are big supporters and users of React Native as well.
First impressions of React
Remy Sharp Gives us the pros and cons of his Reactjs experience so far. He touches upon many things including using React APis and thinking in React logic.
Rendering Khan Academy’s Learn Menu Wherever I Please
Khan Academy uses ReactJS to power their website. ReactJS & CSS saved them a lot of time and work.
VirtualDOM and why it’s so fast!
React’s DOM is super-fast and can do repaints much faster than other DOM. This is a key factor of why ReactJS is so fast and here is why.
That’s it for this week’s edition of the greatest ReactJS Blog!
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