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Best Grafana Courses & Best Grafana Books 2025

Best Grafana Courses 2023


Best Grafana Tutorials 2023

Grafana Beginners to Advance Course for 2023

In this course, you will learn about Grafana version 6. It is also the latest version currently available on the market.

We will discuss the topics below in detail:

Grafana overview

Installation of Grafana on Linux and Windows operating system including default configuration

Management of Grafana services such as starting / stopping / restarting the service

Modification of the default Grafana configuration such as ports or application database.

Learn how to uninstall Grafana

Upgrade from Grafana version 6 to the latest version 7

Understand the Grafana user interface in detail

Connecting Grafana to MySQL to create dashboards / visualizations

Installation and configuration of InfluxDB and Telegraf

Connecting Grafana to InfluxDB to create visualizations

Creation of thresholds in Grafana

Creation of different graphs such as graph / bar / statistics / gauge, etc.

Integration of Grafana with Telegram

Configuring alerts in Grafana dashboards

Managing users and roles in Grafana

You will learn:

Grafana overview
Installation of Grafana on Linux or Windows Server
Management of Grafana services (start, stop, restart) under Linux or Windows
Modification of the Grafana default configuration such as ports and databases
Change of Grafana database from SQLite to MySql (with steps to install MySQL)
Upgrade from Grafana version 6 to Grafana version 7 (latest version)
Understand the Grafana user interface in detail
Creating a Grafana dashboard using a MySQL data source
Creation of Grafana Dashbaord using a custom SQL query
Installation and configuration of InfluxDB and Telegraf
Creating a Grafana dashboard using the InfluxDB data source
Creation of thresholds in Grafana dashboards
Installing plugins from the Grafana plugin store
Create visualizations with bar chart, pie chart, StatsD, gauge, etc.
Configuring alerts in Grafana Dashbaords
Understanding the annotation in Grafana
Grafana and Telegram integration
Sending alerts on a telegram
Managing users and roles in Grafana


Grafana is an analysis platform for all your metrics. Grafana allows you to query, view, alert and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team, and foster a data-driven culture. Approved and loved by the community.

This is a Learn by Example course, in which I demonstrate all of the concepts discussed so that you can see them work, and you can also try them out for yourself.

With this course comes the accompanying documentation that you can access for free. You will then be able to match what you see in the videos and copy / paste directly from my docs and see the same result.

In this course we will,

Install Grafana from packages

Create a domain name, install an SSL certificate and change the default port

Explore the Graph, Singlestat, Gauge, Bar Gauge, Table, Text, Heatmap, and Logs panels

Create many types of data sources from MySQL, Zabbix, InfluxDB, Prometheus and Loki

We will configure their different collection processes such as MySQL Event Scheduler, Telegraf, Node Exporters, SNMP agents and Promtail

We will examine the graphical representation of time series data versus non-time series data

We will also install dashboards for each of the data sources, experimenting with community-created dashboards and experimenting with our own.

We will monitor SNMP devices using Telegraf Agent and InfluxDB data sources

We will create annotation queries and link the Log and Charts panels together

We will look at dynamic dashboard variables, dynamic tables, dynamic singlestats, and dynamic charts.

We’ll take a look at creating value groups / tags and how to use them with different types of data sources.

We will set up an alert channel, understand the different alert options, configure an example to detect SNMP offline devices, and demonstrate receiving email alerts through our local SMTP server.

Next, we’ll create a dashboard for a Cisco 24-port switch using methods applicable to both Zabbix and InfluxDB data sources.

At the end of the course you will have your own dedicated working Grafana server, which will be in the cloud, with SSL, a domain name, with many examples of data sources and collectors configured, which you can call your own, ready for you to move to the next level.

You will learn:

Explore the Graph, Singlestat, Gauge, Bar Gauge, Table, Text, Heatmap, and Logs panels
Install and configure a MySQL data source, dashboard and collector
Install and configure Zabbix server data source, dashboards
Install and configure InfluxDB with Telegraf
Use dashboard variables to create dynamic dashboards with automatic visualization placement
Install an SNMP agent and configure the SNMP Telegraf entry
Install the Loki data source that queries a Loki service that ingests data from a Promtail service.
Time series of the chart as well as non-chronological SQL data
Create custom MySQL time series queries
Install Grafana from packages
Add an Nginx reverse proxy for Grafana
Create a domain name and install an SSL certificate for the Grafana server
Explore dashboard panel options
Install an SMTP server and configure an email notification channel
Configuration alerts when SNMP devices disconnect or return no data
Configure an SMS Alert Channel Using AWS SNS
Configure a Telegram Bot alert channel
Use annotation queries to link Logs panels and Graph panels
Install Prometheus with multiple node exporters and a dashboard
Configure different groups of values ​​/ tags for Zabbix and InfluxDB data sources
Create disk read / write rate dashboard with Zabbix data source

Grafana and Graphite from Beginner to Advanced (3rd Edition)

The only FULL course for Grafana is here. Take this top class course now and learn all about Grafana and Graphite. Develop your skills base and develop your career prospects.

If you are a DevOps engineer, learning Grafana is essential for you. Ranked as the # 1 monitoring tool for 2019, Grafana and Graphite are transforming the way business data is collected, viewed and used.

Grafana is a powerful framework with the ability to create and display dashboards. Together with Graphite, an enterprise data collection and visualization system, it analyzes key information about your business, infrastructure, applications and websites.

With confidence, using these tools will change the way a business can display its vital metrics. These skills allow DevOps engineers and developers to take their careers to the next level.

In this course:

Use Grafana and Graphite, including how to configure the tools on Mac and Windows desktops, as well as on an Ubuntu server

Create professional dashboards with various panels and variables

Integrate Grafana with Graphite, MySql, Sql Server, ElasticSearch, AWS CloudWatch or InfluxDB, etc.

Analyze and annotate data to highlight important data trends and metric values

Send alert notifications to channels like Email and Slack.

You will learn:

Installation of Grafana, Graphite and StatsD on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu
Install Grafana manually or using Docker
Create modern looking static or dynamic dashboards
Set up ratings and alerts
Integrate Grafana with MySQL
Integrate Grafana with InfluxDb
Integrate Grafana with Elasticsearch
Create your own StatsD client using C #, Powershell and Bash
Integrate Grafana with SQL Server

Best Grafana Books 2023

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