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Best Spring Courses 2025

Best Spring courses 2024

Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot)

This course covers Spring 5, Hibernate 5, Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA. Build a complete Spring MVC + Hibernate CRUD web application … all from scratch! (real-time project). You will help you to learn more about: Spring Core, AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data REST, Thymeleaf and Hibernate … all connected to a MySQL database

Spring is an enterprise Java framework for java developers. It is a web framework designed to simplify Java EE development and make developers more productive. Spring uses reverse control and dependency injection to promote good software coding practices and speed development time. This course covers Core spring, annotations, all Java Spring configurations, Spring AOP, new Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.

Hibernate is an ORM (Object-to-Relational-Mapping) framework. It simplifies access to the database for Java applications. Using the framework, you can easily store and retrieve Java objects by defining simple configuration mappings.

This course is fully up to date and covers the latest versions of Spring 5 and Hibernate 5. The course also includes new content on Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data REST and Thymeleaf to help you in learning spring.

Spring Framework Master Class – Java Spring the Modern Way

You will use Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (Dependency Management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Web Server. We will help you configure each of them.

You will learn:

Basic Todo management application with login / logout
Model, Controllers, ViewResolver and Filters
Forms – data binding, validation
Annotation-based approach – @RequestParam, @PathVariable, @ModelAttribute, @SessionAttributes, etc.
Bootstrap to style the page
Spring safety
Exception handling
Basic REST services
You will create a 25-step STEP-BY-STEP Todo management app using Spring MVC, Bootstrap, Maven, and Eclipse
You will understand Spring MVC FUNDAMENTALS – DispatcherServlet, Controllers, ModelMap, ModelAndView, Views (JSP), JSTL, @RequestParam and @SessionAttributes.
Implement form binding and validation using Spring MVC.
Use Spring Security for authentication and authorization
Build 2 Basic Spring Rest Web Services
Exception handling using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler
You will understand the basics of using Maven, Tomcat and Eclipse
You will learn how to use Maven for basic dependency management
You will learn how to style web applications with Bootstrap (basics)

Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru

Learn Spring with the most modern and comprehensive course available for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. You will see how to build multiple real world applications using Spring Framework 5.Go directly to web development with Spring Framework. Start a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr. We will then proceed step by step to create a simple Book / Author web application.

You will see how easy it is to use Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data JPA to create a working web application running under Tomcat with an in-memory H2 database. In addition to teaching you Spring Framework 5, you will learn about modern best practices used in developing enterprise applications. Using Test Driven Development (TDD) with JUnit and Mockito. You will learn how to test Spring applications using JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. Find out how using Mockito simulations will keep your Spring Framework unit tests light and fast! You will also see how the Spring context can be used for more complex integration testing.
These techniques are best practices used by companies around the world to build and manage Spring Framework applications at scale.

You will learn:
Learn the Spring Framework from an instructor who has worked for Pivotal clients as a Spring Source consultant and has spoken at Spring One
Learn step-by-step how to build Spring applications using Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2
You will develop Spring applications using best practices such as SOLID POO, GitHub, test-driven development and continuous integration testing
You will understand how to access data using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
Use Spring Framework 5 to Build a Responsive End-to-End Application with MongoDB
Learn more about responsive programming with Spring Framework 5
Build web applications using Spring MVC
Find out how to run a Spring Boot application in a Docker container
Access a Spring Boot app cookbook

Best Spring tutorials 2024

Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass – Learn Spring Framework 5

There is no doubt that having Spring Framework skills on your resume will make you a more employable Java developer. Spring developers are in high demand and well paid. However, the setting is huge. This is because it consists of many modules and projects. It can take you months to learn. You will often find that a Java Spring tutorial or training will focus on the parts of the framework that are not used much.

A Java Spring tutorial should teach you the basic technologies listed above at a minimum. This course will allow you to familiarize yourself with these technologies. Having a good knowledge of a Java model engine that works with the Spring 5 framework and a detailed understanding of construction tools (for building single and multi-module projects) is highly desirable.

You will learn:
Be able to confidently apply for Spring Developer jobs.
Master the basic skills needed to become a Spring Framework developer.
Learn the skills to create your own Spring 5 projects.
Be able to confidently switch to other Java EE technologies.
Learn about industry “best practices” for Spring 5 development from professional developers.
Have the ability to demonstrate your knowledge of Spring Framework development.
Understand core technologies such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, and other technologies.
See how Spring fits into the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) space.

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