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Best SQLite books & Best SQLite courses in 2025

Best SQLite Courses 2022


Best SQLite tutorials 2022

Intro To SQLite Databases for Python Programming

These days everything uses a database, and SQLite is one of the most popular databases. FREE and Open Source, SQLite is an excellent database for small projects, hobby projects, or testing and development. Likewise, Python is one of the most popular and powerful programming languages ​​today. Pairing the two is a powerful combination. In this course, you will learn the basics of using SQLite with Python. You will learn how to create databases and tables, add data, sort data, create reports, extract specific data, and more. For these courses, assuming you already have a basic knowledge of Python programming, but you don’t need to know anything about databases or SQLite to take the course.

You will learn:

What is a database
How to install Python
How to install the Git Bash terminal
How to use SQLite in a Python program
How to connect to the database in Python
How to create a database
How to create a table
How to insert a record into a table
How to insert many records into a table
Understand data types
How to select data in a table
How to Format Your Results
How to use the Where clause
How to use the similar clause and wildcards
How to use AND and OR
How to update records
How to limit and classify the results
How to delete recordings
How to delete (drop) a table and backups

At the end of the course, we’ll create a very basic app to help reinforce everything we learn along the way. Walk you through all of this and more, step by step. If you have any questions along the way, I’m here to answer them. If you’ve always wanted to understand SQLite databases or use them in your Python programs, this course is for you.

You will learn

Understand how to use SQLite databases with Python
Understand the basics of what a database can do.
Install Python, SQLite, Sublime Text and Git Bash
You will learn how to create a database and a table
How to insert and remove data using Python
How to update and delete data from the database
How to explore database content whenever you want
How to create basic reports with the data in your database

Learn SQLite from the best SQLite tutorial for beginners in 2022.

SQLite for beginners

This course gives you a brief overview of SQLite and the distinctive features of SQLite that make SQLite one of the most widely deployed SQL database engines. SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. The Lite version of SQLite means light weight in terms of configuration, database administration, and required resources. SQLite does NOT require a server to run.

Due to the serverless architecture, you do not need to “install” SQLite before using it. No server process needs to be configured, started and stopped. SQLite uses dynamic types for tables. This means that you can store any value in any column regardless of the data type. SQLite is stand-alone, which means that it requires minimal support from the operating system or the external library. This makes SQLite suitable for use in all environments, especially in onboard devices like iPhones, Android phones, game consoles, portable media players, etc.

SQLite is able to create in-memory databases which are very quick to use. The SQLite database is integrated with the application that accesses the database. The applications interact with the SQLite database by reading and writing directly from the database files stored on disk.

You will learn:

Learn how to download and install SQLite
Learn how to attach a sample database to SQLite
How to connect to the SQLite database
Learn how to run some commonly used sqlite3 commands
How to back up entire database and tables using SQLite Dump command
Learn how to recover database data using the SQLite SELECT statement
Learn how to query and retrieve all data from a database table
Learn how to query and retrieve specific data from a database table
Learn how to sort the data returned by a database using the ORDER BY clause
Learn how to filter the data returned from a database using the WHERE clause
Learn how to remove duplicate records using SQLITE DISTINCT
Learn how to identify NULL values ​​in a database table
Learn about various types of SQLite data
Discover how SQLite constraints work
Learn how to create a new table
Learn how to add new records to a table
Learn how to update existing records in a database table
Learn how to delete existing records from a database
Learn how to delete a table
Learn how to use various SQLite operators to manipulate data
Learn how to extract data from multiple tables using table joins
Learn how to use aliases
Learn how to use various types of aggregate functions to perform calculations on records in a database table
Learn how to group data with the GROUP BY clause
Learn how to filter grouped data using the HAVING clause

This is likely the best SQLite course in 2022.

Python GUI Programming Using Tkinter and SQLite3

Welcome to building the Portfolio application with Python Tkinter
This course will help you build a step-by-step Python GUI application with Tkinter and the free CoinMarketCap API,
Throughout the course you will learn more about Python and Tkinter,
Understand the API and its use.
Extract data from cryptocurrency and work with it.
Build portfolio logic on the command line, then focus on the GUI.
Getting started with Tkinter and Python GUI
Merging the command line application with Tkinter and running the .py version.
Converting the .py application to an executable .exe application.
Understand the basics of SQLite3 with Python

This course incorporates all the necessary aspects for you to become a successful Tkinter Developer with appropriate live hands-on exercises and basic steps up front.

After completing this course, you will be ready to expand your knowledge of Tkinter and Python.

You will learn

Learn how to build GUI applications with Python Tkinter
Learn more about the Web API and how to use it
Converting a .PY Application to an .EXE Application
Check the price of Crypo currency and apply the command line connection
Learn how to work on and complete a basic Python project.
Learn Database and SQLite3 Basics
Develop a basic GUI (graphical user interface) using TKinter

This is among the best SQLite tutorial in 2022.

Best SQLite books 2022

The Definitive Guide to SQLite (Expert’s Voice in Open Source) 2nd Edition

The Definitive Guide to SQLite (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
  • Allen, Grant (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 387 Pages - 11/11/2010 (Publication Date) - Apress (Publisher)

Outside of the world of enterprise computing, there is one database that enables a huge range of software and hardware to flex relational database capabilities, without the baggage and cost of traditional database management systems. That database is SQLite—an embeddable database with an amazingly small footprint, yet able to handle databases of enormous size. SQLite comes equipped with an array of powerful features available through a host of programming and development environments. It is supported by languages such as C, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, TCL, and more.

The Definitive Guide to SQLite, Second Edition by Grant Allen & Mike Owens is devoted to complete coverage of the latest version of this powerful database. It offers a thorough overview of SQLite’s capabilities and APIs. The book also uses SQLite as the basis for helping newcomers make their first foray into database development. In only a short time you can be writing programs as diverse as a server-side browser plug-in or the next great iPhone or Android application!

Learn about SQLite extensions for C, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.
Get solid coverage of SQLite internals.
Explore developing iOS (iPhone) and Android applications with SQLite.
SQLite is the solution chosen for thousands of products around the world, from mobile phones and GPS devices to set-top boxes and web browsers. You almost certainly use SQLite every day without even realizing it!

SQLite Forensics

SQLite Forensics
  • Sanderson, Paul (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 315 Pages - 05/12/2018 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)

SQLite is a standalone SQL database engine used on all smartphones (including all iOS and Android devices) and most computers (including all Mac and Windows 10 machines). Each computer or phone using SQLite often has hundreds of SQL databases and it is estimated that there are more than a trillion SQL database uses. Considering the above, it is essential to review all the data in this database as part of the investigation and of course it includes checking the deleted data as much as possible. In this book, we cover in detail the format of the SQL database as well as the related journals and writing-forward logs (WAL). We see how records are encoded, how they can be manually decoded, and how partially replaced records can be decoded. We describe how SQLite and especially Journal and Wall functionality can be used to verify what happened in a way that cannot be determined from the data alone. We cover it and show how we can use SQL Queries to test assumptions about the relationship of data in different tables. This book is primarily intended for forensic practitioners, and is intended to provide the reader with a basic knowledge of computer forensics; This is especially true for IT professionals who are especially interested in the SQLite file format

Using SQLite: Small. Fast. Reliable. Choose Any Three.

Using SQLite: Small. Fast. Reliable. Choose Any Three.
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Kreibich, Jay A. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Application developers, take note: databases aren’t just for the IS group any more. You can build database-backed applications for the desktop, Web, embedded systems, or operating systems without linking to heavy-duty client-server databases such as Oracle and MySQL. This book shows you how to use SQLite, a small and lightweight relational database engine that you can build directly into your application. With SQLite, you’ll discover how to develop a database-backed application that remains manageable in size and complexity. This book guides you every step of the way. You’ll get a crash course in data modeling, become familiar with SQLite’s dialect of the SQL database language, and much more.

Learn how to maintain localized storage in a single file that requires no configuration
Build your own SQLite library or use a precompiled distribution in your application
Get a primer on SQL, and learn how to use several language functions and extensions
Work with SQLite using a scripting language or a C-based language such as C# or Objective-C
Understand the basics of database design, and learn how to transfer what you already know to SQLite
Take advantage of virtual tables and modules

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use SQLite?

SQLite is a cross-platform database management system. It can be used on various platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Unix. It can also be used on many embedded operating systems such as Symbian and Windows CE. SQLight provides an effective way to store data, column lengths are variable and not static. So SQLite will only allocate the space needed for the field. For example, if you have a Virtue (200) column with a value of 10 characters, SQLite will only allocate 20 characters for that value, not 200 spaces. A wide range of SQL APIs SQLite provides APIs for a wide range of programming languages, for example Net language (Visual Basic, C #), PHP, Java, Objective C, Python and many other programming languages.

Why to use SQLite?

If you are developing embedded software for devices like TVs, cell phones, cameras, home electronics, etc., SQLight is a good choice. SQLite can handle low to medium traffic HTTP requests and handle complex session information for a website. SQLite can create smaller archives when you need to archive your files and include less metadata than the classic zip archive. If you want to process some data in an application, you can use SQLite as a temporary data set. You can load data into the in-memory SQLite database and run searches of your choice. You can extract data in the format you want to display in your application. It gives you an easy and efficient way to process using variables in memory. For example, you are developing a program that requires you to count on specific records. You can create an SQL database and insert records into it, and with a single query you can select records and perform calculations.

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