Table of Contents
Who is Wes Bos?
Wes Bos is a full stack developer, speaker, and teacher from Canada. He co-hosts the podcast with Scott Tolinski, in addition to developing over a dozen web development courses. Over 40,000 students are enrolled in his premium courses, and hundreds of thousands more have downloaded one of his freebies.
What are the Wes Bos courses?
Wes Bos presently has 13 web development courses available, some of which are premium and some which are free.
Premium courses:
Master Gatsby
Beginner JavaScript
Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL
ES6 for Everyone
React For Beginners
Learn Node
Sublime Text Power User
Free courses:
CSS Grid
What The Flexbox?!
Command Line Power User
Learn Redux
Mastering Markdown
React For Beginners
Learn React from the best React tutorial for beginners. Taught by world famous React teacher Wes Bos, the basics of React content are split up into small, easily digestible bit sized chunks. This makes understanding the React programming language easy without getting complex. This tutorial experience contains 29 videos to help you gain react Knowledge. This means a self taught web developer can get started in learning React fast in hours! Learn React from the best beginner friendly React tutorial. You will learn:
- How to develop an entire React project or Component from start to finish
- Setup your web development environment
- Writing markup in JSX
- Working with create-react-app for Webpack Tooling
- Understanding React Component
- Maintain your Application’s State
- Communication between components
- Working with State changes, data and HTML5 LocalStorage
- Real time web socket data with Firebase
- Create maintainable code with JavaScript Modules
- URL routing with React Router 4
- Deploying React Application
This Wes Bos course will have you designing real-time applications and dynamic website components in no time, with a focus on simplicity and readability! We will collaborate to create “Catch of the Day,” a real-time app for a trendy fish market where the pricing and amount offered are flexible and can alter at any time. The react course will create a menu, an order form, and an inventory management area where authorized users will be able to instantly edit product details.
Beginner JavaScript
Want to learn Javascript?
Beginner JavaScript by Wes Bos is the best JavaScript tutorial for beginners. This Wes Bos course will help you learn JavaScript from scratch and be a better developer. Some basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Some of the JavaScript topics you will learn in this Wes Bos review of javascript include:
Master JavaScript fundamentals
All about Types
The tricky stuff: Scope, Hoisting and Closures.
Data Types
Logic & Flow Control
Looping and Iterating
Prototype, This, New & Inheritance
Tonnes of Exercises, from easy to hard
Beginner JavaScript tutorial is designed in such a way to make learning JavaScript easier. It consists of 28 hours of video content split into more than 88 videos across 15 modules. This introduction to javascript is jam packed with both fundamental and advanced JavaScript concepts.Best JavaScript tutorial in 2025. Don’t waste time on free javascript tutorials. Get this!
Full Stack Advanced React & GraphQL
The course has been entirely updated and re-recorded for the latest in React.js, Hooks, Apollo 3 and the Keystone Headless CMS.
While building the Full-Stack React app, this crash course covers key things you need to be a professional React programmer. This React Fundamentals course is designed help you start to learning React in a incremental and easily digestible manner without getting overly complex to level up your React skills for freelance work as a web developers. The React tutorials consists of 68 videos with a runtime of 11 hours. The board is mostly spent to build the app and 5 hours testing the app. The content is spread across 10 modules. The app we will code has five key models: Users, Items, Orders, CartItems, and OrderItems. All of them are relational and showcase the onclick power of GraphQL Queries. Users will be able to search, sell, add to cart and checkout their favourite items in our app. After building the frontend and backend of the application, we will set the last third of the course testing our React apps! You will learn React best practices.
Extensive use of GraphQL Queries is made in this course. People will also make sure use of libraraies such as GraphQL Yoga, Apollo Client & Prisma. Apollo Client will be used for Data changes Management. GraphQL Yoga is an Express GraphQL Server. Prisma is a oneof the most popular GraphQL Database Interface libraries. Next.js will be used for server side rendering, routing and tooling. Testing will be done with Jest & Enzyme. If you are serious about becoming a Professional React Developer experience, this Wes Bos courses is for you. Learn React from the best advanced React tutorial in 2025.
Learn Node
Learn Node by Wes Bos will teach you how to build apps using Node.js, MongoDB, and Express. This is a great Node interactive tutorial for that will help you learn properly. This Node course contains over 44 hours of Nodejs lessons, spread across 44 videos in 15 different modules. Without question, this is one of the best ways to learn Node js code. Along with general JavaScript best practices and server side code.
This Node online tutorial takes the approach of learning from scratch by building a Node.js app. You will master the nodejs runtime environment. You will create a full stack restaurant application in which users can search, geolocate, review and curate their favourite restaurants. The Node.js app is relational and has three main models: Users, Stores and Reviews. It uses functions present in most modern web apps including user authentication, database storage, Ajax REST API, file upload and image resizing. You will make use of modern JavaScript like ES2017 Async + Await and ES6. ES2017 Async + Await allows for easy to read, logical flows without complexity. ES 6 is used to make our JavaScript more powerful.Learn Nodejs from the Best Nodejs tutorial for beginners in 2025.
Master Gatsby
Building modern websites is difficult. Preloading, routing, compression, critical CSS, caching, scaling, and groupings all make for lightning-fast websites, but additional development and tools get in the way. Gatsby is a React.js framework that does it all for you. This course will teach you how to build your websites and let Gatsby take care of all the tough stuff. Together we are building a website for a local pizza place called Slick’s Slices. The site includes everything you come across in building a website today and is meant to be a nice copy paste reference for the sites you build.
In this course, we also write all of the CSS to style the website. We’ll learn fun stuff like CSS variables, grid layouts (and subgrid!), Flexbox, clamp (), @supports queries, transformations, CSS scoping, responsive design and more! Learn Gatsby from the best Gatsby tutorial in 2025.
ES6 for Everyone: Best way to learn Modern JavaScript
ES6 for Everyone by Wes Bos is one of the best JavaScript tutorial. It will help you learn ES6 to be a pretty good developer. Some basic JavaScript knowledge is required for this JavaScript tutorial. You will learn include:
Create New Variables, Scoping and Template Strings
Arrow Functions
New Features including Destructuring
Create New Iterables and Looping over data structures
What … actually does
How to structure your JavaScript with Modules and NPM
Advanced Classes, Proxies, Generators, Sets and Maps
How to write clean and consistent code with ESLin
Proper tooling and bundling setup with Webpack
This advanced video tutorials consists of 7 hours of video content split into 77 videos across 21 modules. That means you can start and finish it in a day! Best ES6 tutorial in 2025.