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Welcome to issue 49.

This week we look at Rest APIs with GraphQL, work with practical Redux, work with ReactJS and Firebase, look at React Native navigation, understand why should anyone use AngularJS and much more!


After years of dealing with REST APIs, when I first learned about GraphQL and the problems it’s attempting to solve…


Techniques for managing Redux-driven UI components like modals and menus.





Get started with ReactJS and Firebase.


ES2015 class syntax for React components degrades developer experience and maintainability with little benefit in return.


I’ll be taking you through React Navigation. Navigation has to do with the nav bars, tab bars and side menu drawers in your mobile application.


The HBO show Silicon Valley released a real AI app that identifies hotdogs using React Native.


Learn about React, interactive charts, and working with an API in this tutorial


High level abstraction between React and Redux.


Getting started with React is easy.


Learn the basics of WebSockets and Socket.IO while pairing your first real-time server with a React frontend

That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

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