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Best Courses & Best Tutorials 2024

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Socket.IO (with websockets) – the details. (socket io v2)

Websockets have been one of the coolest things on the web for ages. They allow the browser to communicate in real time by filling one of the last gaps in human and web communication. Socket io is the main library that uses websockets under the hood. Chances are, if you are reading this, you have heard of socket io. Maybe even made a tutorial on it. But how far have you gone? In my experience, the vast majority of material on the web doesn’t go beyond a quick-start instant chat app. You don’t learn how something works, never look at the documentation and wonder what to do next. The remaining piece of matter is waaaaay above everyone’s heads. The fact that the websocket API was standardized in 2011 and that most developers still don’t know how to use it is proof of this shortcoming.

This course aims to mitigate that! This is not a socket.IO quick start guide. There are loads of them all over the Internet. You should definitely look elsewhere if you want a 10 minute introduction to the 3-4 things you need to know to do something fast. On the flip side, if you’re looking to really learn one of the more impressive io socket JavaScript libraries, you should stick around. Like Express and other JavaScript / Node elements, it jumped in to learn just enough to come up with the term “full-stack developer”. My main goal is to help you understand how to go from being a good developer to being a great developer. Understanding … not just knowing a few methods … of socketio is part of it! It even transforms the browser and node with implementations in most other languages, and even mobile. This means that as you grow you have the power of sockets without having to learn more than the socket io library.


Environment configuration (ignore if the node is already installed)
Before Socket.IO … – TCP, network sockets and a native websockets application
Socketi.IO 101 – Why you would want to use socketio and how it works (simple chat app)
Socket.IO 201 – Make the chat app a slack clone with namespaces and rooms
Project 1 – Real-time canvas game
Project 2 – Real-time performance data (uses React, Cluster and Redis)
streaming videos and – in development

Socketio. That’s (mostly) all we cover, so when you’re done, you’ll know!
Configure a socketio application between the browser and an Express server and run back and forth in real time
Understand the basics of Websockets and how they work
The basics of the transport layer and how a package works

Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android

Learn how to build a chat app from scratch using the latest JavaScript-based fullstack technologies! You will first quickly learn how to create a public chat room that any user can join from the mobile app and type with all other users who have joined. Then we will develop the app and create a private messenger, similar to Facebook Messenger. We will be using technologies such as React Native, Socket.IO, Nodejs, Redux, react-navigation, and Gifted Chat UI.

You will learn:

Build a mobile app with React Native and Expo
Create a Socket IO backend in Nodejs
Create a public chat app with Socket IO and React Native
Create a private messaging app similar to Facebook Messenger
How to assign usernames to users who join the app
How to use Redux to manage state in React Native
How to use React Hooks in our chat app
How to use React-Navigation for navigation in the mobile app
How to use the Gifted Chat UI kit to prime the UI
How to use the Gifted Chat UI Kit with the Socket IO backend
How to manage the layout on different devices

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