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Learn ARCore 2025 – Best ARCore Courses & Best ARCore Tutorials

Best ARCore Courses 2021


Best ARCore Tutorials 2021

Build Your AR Portal With ARCore & ARKit

Have you ever wanted to make a crazy augmented reality app and learn at the same time? You have come to the right place.

By taking this course, you will be able to create your private Instagram AR portal room that shows your top 5 Instagram photos. You will learn how to build cross-platform AR applications that run ARCore and ARKit at the same time. It’s possible thanks to AR Foundation!

AR Foundation is a cross-platform API that allows us to develop cross-platform AR applications. With AR Foundation, you develop once and build on both Android and IOS at the same time, saving you time and energy.

In this first section, we’ll get started with AR Foundation and build a simple AR Foundation application that’s HelloAR.

In the second section, we’ll start with Shader coding using Unity’s ShaderLab and write our own Shader to achieve a portal effect. Next, we’ll write the Portal script from scratch. This script will allow us to access the portal. Next, we will integrate AR Foundation into our project and create two applications; the one running ARCore and the one running ARKit. After that, we will write PortalPlacer and PlaneController scripts from scratch. These scripts are basic scripts that should also be used by other AR applications.

In the third section, we’ll start with the Instagram API and integrate the Instagram API into Unity. Then we will get your 5 most liked Instagram photos by comparing the number of likes of each Instagram photo. After that, we will show your TOP Five Instagram photo in our portal room along with your profile picture and username.

Thus, this course will teach not only augmented reality but also the use of APIs and shaders in Unity 2018.3. You’ll code your own Shader, parse JSON, upload images, write fundamental AR scripts … all of this will be done from scratch!

You will learn:
Learn ARCore and ARKit with AR Foundation.
Learn how to build cross-platform AR apps using AR Foundation.
Find out how to integrate the Instagram API into Unity.
Learn how to write fundamental AR scripts from scratch, such as PlaneController and PortalPlacer scripts.
Learn basic shader coding with Unity’s Shader Lab.
Learn how to download images from Instagram API with Unity 2018.3
Create an ARCore / ARKit application that retrieves content from the Internet.
Learn how to create AR portal experiences.
Learn how to parse JSON response in Unity.

ARCore and Sceneform Masterclass for Android

Welcome to the world of augmented reality!

Whether it is an application for …

… test furniture in your home

… detect popular attractions to display additional information

… try on clothes from online stores

… apply funny filters on people’s faces

All this stuff that looks so much like the future is becoming more and more reality. To keep up with the rapidly changing world of technology, you must constantly learn new technologies. Augmented reality is one of those very trendy technologies that is particularly invading the mobile market.

This course starts to give you the perfect introduction to augmented reality with Android and gets more advanced as you take it. I’ve designed it in such a way that you only need a basic knowledge of Android development with Kotlin to dive into it.

Every line of code that is not trivial will be explained!

What do you get with this course?

This course will contain the full source code for each lesson, so you don’t have to worry about encountering an error and not being able to continue this part of the course. You can just visit my GitHub and select the corresponding lesson to get the source code which you can easily continue with.

You will get a full cheat sheet for all of the important new AR terms mentioned in this course. Of course, I will explain them in great detail in the course, but if you meet them again and want to quickly research what they mean, you can easily do that with this cheat sheet.

Plus, after each section you will get a quiz to solidify what you just learned.

Of course, you will get all the 3D graphics, textures, and website links that I use in this course. However, feel free to choose your own.

What will we do together in this course?

In Part 1, you’ll learn how to configure Android Studio to be ready to use AR. I will also show you how you can easily test your AR apps on your Android emulator, so that you don’t always have that annoying cable for USB debugging.

In the second part, you will understand all the basics of augmented reality. We are going to create a real application with which you can try out 3D models of furniture in your own home. Of course, you can use your own templates here and also decide how many templates you want to include in this app. In this app, you will learn how to place 3D objects in the AR scene, move them, rotate them, change their size and delete them. And that is not enough! You will also learn how to easily take photos and videos of your AR scene. In addition, you will become familiar with 3D specific terms such as WorldSpace, LocalSpace, Vector3, Quaternions and more.

The third part covers a cool app that will apply a funny fruit filter on the faces detected by your phone’s camera. This is very similar to Snapchat or Instagram. You can use your own filter and graphics here.

In the fourth part, all Pokémon fans can be excited! We will detect real predefined images which will be automatically detected in the app to let a cool animated Pokemon appear on them! In my example, I am making the model appear on book covers, but you can choose any surface that has a unique character and therefore can be recognized. You will be able to move the book and transport your personal Pokémon to your home.

Finally, in the last part of this course, you will let Star Wars spaceships fly around your house! The intention of this app is to teach you how to animate 3D models in the AR scene and let them fly around you. In this last part, you will have a deeper understanding of 3D calculations with vectors and quaternions to implement your own displacement behavior.

And that is not enough! You will also get a bonus round in which I will show you how we can dynamically load 3D models remotely from Google Firebase. You will be able to choose any URL to a 3D model and download it at runtime to your app to view it. I am using Firebase for this because it is very popular in the Android world, but feel free to use your own sources.

You will learn:
Create any type of AR app for Android
Select and place your own 3D models in your AR scene
Transform models using simple touch gestures
Take photos of your AR scene
Record videos of your AR scene
All kinds of new AR terms (WorldSpace, LocalSpace, Trackable, Quaternion, Pose, etc …)
How to detect preset images in real life to make your models appear there
How to use the arcoreimg tool to generate augmented image databases
How to detect faces in your AR scene to apply Snapchat-like filters to them
How to animate 3D models in AR
How to let models move in AR space
How to handle all kinds of rotations and 3D transformations
How to use the ObjectAnimator class

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