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Best Selenium courses 2025

Selenium WebDriver with Java -Basics to Advanced+Frameworks

This Selenium course covers Java Basics core + Selenium Webdriver + Advanced Selenium + Interview preparation + Framework design (TestNG, ANT, Pageobject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j) + Selenium Grid + DataBase Testing + Performance Testing on Selenium scripts + Mobile Test Basics + CV preparation

Topics include:

Full Core Java
Selenium Webdriver – Major objective (20 hours + content)
Live examples in automating web applications in all supported browsers
Policy to manage rich web user interface using Advanced WebDriver
Real-time challenges we face in WebDriver and solutions to tackle them
Selenium grid
Projects live on selenium webdriver tests
Test execution reports
Data-driven framework
Hybrid frame
Page object model framework
DataBase test with Selenium automation testing tools
Performance test with Selenium test automation
Mobile automation basics only!
Cloud Automation tester with Sauce Labs
Design of the framework from scratch (TestNG, ANT, PageObject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel, Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j, client html reports)

This is the best Selenium Webdriver course in 2022.

Selenium WebDriver Training with Java and Many Live Projects

In this Selenium online training course, there are also various other APIs built in, such as TestNG, ReportNG, Log4J, JavaMAIL API, Extent Reports, etc. which will help you a lot in designing powerful frameworks. By the end of the training, you will be able to automate any web application you want and you should be able to work on projects live. After the course you should be able to justify more than 3 years of your current experience in Selenium and can easily solve any Selenium automation interview.

You will learn selenium web driver with:

You should be able to work with utilities such as: ANT, MAVEN, JENKINS, DOCKERS, GRID for Parallel Execution, LOG4J API, JAVAMAIL API, APACHE POI API, JDBC Connection for Database Testing etc ****

Design major frameworks from scratch such as: Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid, Page Object Model, Page Factories, CucumberBDD etc.
You should be able to work on live projects, manipulate complex Xpaths, CSS, and important locators

Selenium WebDriver With Java – Novice To Ninja + Interview

This Selenium tutorial includes a wide range of topics ranging from Selenium WebDriver Basics and Advanced, Java Concepts, TestNG Framework, Automation Framework Design (Page Objects, Page Factory, Data Driven, Reading Excel Files), Logging with Log4j, Best Reporting tool – Advanced Reporting , Cross browser testing with Selenium Grid 2.0, Maven Build Management, Git and GitHub, continuous integration with Jenkins, Git integration with Jenkins, database testing, performance testing, Cucumber-based behavior testing, Sauce Labs integration, preparation interview All materials, including code files.

Topics include:

Selenium Webdriver 3.x

Java concepts in detail

TestNG Framework
Advanced reports

Logging infrastructure with Log4j

Page object template

Factory Framework page

Data-driven framework

Running software testing on a Remote Machine Using Selenium Grid 2.0

Build management with Maven

Continuous integration with Jenkins

Database test

Performance Test

Behavioral-Focused Testing Using Cucumber and Pickle Language

Selenium WebDriver With Java – Novice To Ninja + Interview

This best selenium training includes a wide range of topics ranging from Selenium WebDriver Basics and Advanced Concepts, Java Concepts, TestNG Framework, Automation Framework Design (Page Objects, Page Factory, Data Driven, Reading Excel files) , Log with Log4j, Best Reporting Tool – Advanced Reporting, Cross Browser Testing with Selenium Grid 2.0, Maven Build Management, Git and GitHub, Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git Integration with Jenkins, Database Testing, Performance Testing , Behavioral-based testing with Cucumber, Sauce Labs integration, interview preparation. All materials, including code files.
We start coding in Java, then move on to learning selenium, TestNG, selenium grid, log4j, maven, jenkins, database testing, performance testing, behavior oriented testing using the cucumber and pickle language.

Topics include:

Selenium 3.x web driver
Java concepts in detail
TestNG framework
Advanced reports
Logging infrastructure with Log4j
Page object template
Factory Framework Page
Data-driven framework
Running tests on a remote machine with Selenium Grid 2.0
Building management with Maven
Continuous integration with Jenkins
Database test
Performance test
Behavior-focused testing using cucumber and pickle language

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