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Welcome to issue 108.

This week we learn how GraphQL replaces Redux, take a in-depth look at React Context API, compare React with Angular and much more!


Goodbye Redux

Jack Scott tells us why Redux is no longer necessary thanks to GraphQL.


Same app in React & Vue (Part 2: Angular)

Sam Borick throws Angular in the mix.


Learn Nagios


How To Implement Better Drag & Drop in React

Rajat S uses the react-beautiful-dnd package.


A comparison between Angular and React…

Dler Ari compares React & Angular.


Should you consider the new React Context API?

Mahesh Haldar makes the case for React Context API.


Everything you need to know about React’s Context API

Rakshit Soral tells us all about React Context API.


Cache your React event listeners to improve performance.

Charles Stover shows us React Caching.


Creating Readable Tests Using React Testing Library

Luke Ghenco teaches BDD testing in React.


React-Redux connect(): when and how to use it

Glad Chinda creates React components connected to Redux.


React 16.5 Changelog

Dan Abramov lists the changes in React 16.5.

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