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Welcome to issue 122.

This week we see the updates in React 16.7, list what we need to learn about React in 2019 and much more!


Andrew Clark talks important performance bugfixes in React 16.7, including React.lazy.


Andrei Neagoie lists React 16 and others.


Introducing React Bestsellers!

Not sure what React book to pick? Our bestsellers will help you see what’s popular with other React developers!


Pluralsight + Free Trial = Epic Holidays!

This holiday season, learn for free with Pluralsight’s trial!


Jonathan Saring lists them.


Steve Konves talks about how to screw up a React project.


Free! Your 2 months of SkillShare premium!

In two months, imagine what you can learn!


Aditya Agarwal explains How to build a slider and test it with react-testing-library.


Nazare Emanuel Ioan walks us through the process.


Netflix’s Artem Shtatnov and Ravi Srinivas Ranganathan talk GraphQL at Netflix.


Jhey Tompkins teaches us with some watches.


Yazeed Bzadough shows us how.


Dan Abramov explains in-detail.

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