Welcome to issue 129.
This week we build WhatsApp using React, understand React Render Props, and much more!
Eytan Manor uses React (Hooks+Suspense), GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript and PostgreSQL.
Chidume Nnamdi explains
Learn JavaScript. Updated for 2019.
The best books to learn JavaScript. Updated for 2019.
Krissanawat Kaewsanmuang creates form in modal that pops on click.
Abhishek Jakhar shows how.
Wojciech Ogrodowczyk explains.
Chidume Nnamdi tells us more.
Tanner Linsley elaborates.
Rajat S teaches how to build React+Redux Apps with the reSolve Framework.
kurtiskemple gives us a walk-through.
Aayush Jaiswal’s guide through must know React Router principles.