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Welcome to issue 129.

This week we build WhatsApp using React, understand React Render Props, and much more!


Eytan Manor uses React (Hooks+Suspense), GraphQL, Apollo, TypeScript and PostgreSQL.


Chidume Nnamdi explains


Learn JavaScript. Updated for 2019.

The best books to learn JavaScript. Updated for 2019.


Krissanawat​ Kaewsanmuang creates form in modal that pops on click.


Abhishek Jakhar shows how.


Wojciech Ogrodowczyk explains.


Chidume Nnamdi tells us more.


Tanner Linsley elaborates.


Rajat S teaches how to build React+Redux Apps with the reSolve Framework.


kurtiskemple gives us a walk-through.


Aayush Jaiswal’s guide through must know React Router principles.

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