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Welcome to issue 212.

This week we learn why React is the top UI framework, build React Jamstack with Serverless, use React Frontity and more!


Start learning React now.


Eric Elliott’s introduction to TDD with Q&A


Your DevOps Guy gives an analysis of 20 problem-solving techniques you must know.


Diego Maximiliano shares the good parts of both.


Jose Felix gives a detailed guide.


Chameera Dulanga on Gzip Compression using AWS CloudFront.


Andrew Evans introduces React Native for macOS.


Aryclenio Xavier Barros shows the process.


Chidume Nnamdi on Moon.js, a minimalistic JavaScript library for building fast, functional UI.


Uzochukwu Eddie Odozi step-by-step epic guide.


Yusuff Faruq gives a quick way.

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