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Welcome to issue 252!

This week we learn everything new in React 18, share React components everywhere, use React Materiel UI and more!

Summer 2021 Learn React!

Debbie O’Brien tells us how.

Pushkar Thakur lists them out.

Have you met Gatsby?

Viduni Wickramarachchi on features will change the way you work with Material UI.

30 Days Free of Skillshare Premium!

Eric Chapman updates the React cheatsheet.

New customer offer! Courses from $13.99 on Udemy

Yash Tiwari lists them.

Kingsley Ubah lays them out.

Ibadehin Mojeed talks React Intl library.

Brett Fisher shows Tailwind CSS.

Mayank Sharma goes in-depth.

Hiep Le build Netflix in React.

Discuss, Like & Follow.

Summer of Advanced React 2021!

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