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Welcome to issue 258!

This week we use BLoC patterns, do Snapshot testing, check Analytical tools and more!

Hot React Summer 2021!

The Nerdy Dev lists some.

Charuka Herath on Business Logic Independent From UI Components

Summer of Gatsby!

Viduni Wickramarachchi on test whether any characteristics of your application have changed.

Udemy July Sale! Up to 90% OFF!

Bhagya Vithana on Comparison of React Native Analytical Tools.

30 Days Free of Skillshare Premium!

Martin Nuc describes how to identify intermediate states while loading using React Suspense.

Sreashi Saha explains Framer Motion.

Ganesh Mani talks React Slider.

Habdul Hazeez explains React Clone.

Pratham setups up Nodejs Express Server for React.

Fortune Ikechi adds Autocomplete to React.

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Summer of React!

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