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Best MATLAB Courses 2025

Best MATLAB Courses 2023

Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market.

Nevertheless, this course is not a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming course that uses MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. Students who successfully complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science, gain an understanding of the general concepts of programming, and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB.

You will learn:

You will learn fundamental computer programming concepts such as variables, control structures, functions and many others.

You will learn about various data types and how to handle them in MATLAB.

You will learn the powerful support MATLAb provides for working with matrices.

You will learn about file input/output.

Master MATLAB through Guided Problem Solving

MATLAB is the premier scientific computing programming language in academia, research, and industry. Excellent MATLAB programming skills can make or break careers in engineering, physics, biology, finance, and many other fields. But how do you learn to program in MATLAB? Of course, you can watch tutorial videos online, but these videos usually focus on the most basic coding skills, like what a variable is and how to write a for loop.

You will learn:

Proficiency in intermediate to advanced MATLAB programming concepts. It is * the only course * that develops intermediate and advanced programming skills.

Get a real-world application experience that researchers and industry professionals use MATLAB for, including signal processing, matrix decompositions, spectral analysis, linear and non-linear model fitting, and statistics.Learn skills to solve difficult problems in MATLAB, as opposed to memorizing syntax rules.

Data Science Projects and Problem Solving in MATLAB project

The basics: loops, functions, IO, etc. Basic skills you need to be able to progress with MATLAB for scientific computing or data analysis.

The most intermediate and advanced topics of the course include:

2D and 3D plotting and data animations (films)

Segmentation of images and time series

Calculus and differential equations

Cleaning and analysis of univariate and multivariate time series

Spectral (Fourier) and time-frequency analyzes

Linear algebra including decomposition, orthogonalization and principal component analysis

Generation of fractal images and time series

Nonparametric Statistics and Nonlinear Model Fitting

Become a Good Matlab Programmer in 30 days

Matlab programming is one of the most important technical programming languages ​​and skills today. In this course we will start to learn Matlab from a beginner level and slowly ease our way to more advanced programming with matlab. This course is a general training in Matlab programming, and this means that whatever your specialty and your field of study; you can benefit from this course, so much so that former Google svp / product management Jonathan Rosenberg recognized it as the only skill you need on your resume to be able to work at Google.

Matlab programming is a simple and understandable programming language and is a great choice for those who want to learn programming for the first time. Engineering companies often use Matlab to prototype and validate their ideas before committing to building them with other programs such as Java, Python, C, and C ++. Knowing Matlab will give you a competitive advantage in your career. This course is constantly updated and new materials are added to the library every week. Below is a brief summary of the course content, but many more examples and downloadable materials are also provided in these lectures.

MATLAB Master Class: Go from Beginner to Expert in MATLAB

MATLAB (Matrix Lab) is one of the fundamental and cutting-edge programming languages ​​and is a must-have skill for anyone looking to develop a career in engineering, science, or related fields. Excellent MATLAB programming skills are therefore a crucial factor in making or breaking your career. This course is designed from the perspective of a student who has no prior knowledge of MATLAB. The course starts from very basic concepts, then builds on these basic concepts and progresses to more advanced topics such as visualization, exporting and importing of data, advanced data types and data structures and advanced programming constructs.

To get the real feel of MATLAB in solving and analyzing real-life problems, the course includes machine learning topics in data science and data preprocessing. To convert source codes into meaningful software, the course also covers the topics of creating GUIs using the GUIDE and App Designer utilities from matlab. Finally, we also cover topics in word processing such as creating regular expressions. The course is fun and exciting, but at the same time, we dive deep into MATLAB to discover its power in formulating and analyzing real-life problems. The course is structured in four different parts. Here is the detailed plan for this course.

You will learn:

Develop entry-level programming skills with MATLAB. This is the only course that allows you to learn intermediate and advanced programming data structures such as structures, tables, time tables, cells, and the map container.
Gain hands-on experience with MATLAB to visualize, analyze, and formulate intermediate and advanced level problems using MATLAB programming skills
Explore some real-world applications of MATLAB to solve data scientist problems.

Learning MATLAB

MATLAB is one of the most popular programming languages today for engineers and scientists, and with good reason-it allows analysts to work efficiently with large amounts of data. Instructor Steven Moser shows you how to harness the MATLAB tools and create programs to model your own data and hypotheses. First, learn how to create basic variables and cell arrays, and work with the core MATLAB syntax, which is significantly different than other programming languages. Then discover how to create scripts and functions, work with matrices, debug your program, and import data. To illustrate your findings, Steven shows how to create 2D and 3D plots, add annotations, and incorporate images. The final chapter covers Simulink, the MATLAB block diagram tool.

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