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Welcome to issue 180.

This week we update our React portfolio, see Shopify use React Native, build sticky React navbar and much more!


5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio

Reed Barger keeps bringing the React goodness.


React Native is the Future of Mobile at Shopify

Farhan Thawar on Shopify +React Native.


The best React course for only $97!

New year, New you!


This is how you should build and publish a Modern React Component!

Kumar Abhirup streamlines React Component.


Build a sticky navigation bar with React

Ibrahima Ndaw shows us how.


Dependency discovery in Storybook

Atanas Stoyanov on dependency tracking and analysis made for component libraries


Creating First React Native App

Sudeep Timalsina gives simple steps.


CSS Modules With React

Binod Kafle on Better Way To Style React Apps


Why Did You Render v4 Released

Vitali Zaidman on Custom hooks tracking (like React-Redux’s useSelector) and more.


Unit testing with React Testing Library

Diego Ponce García states “Writing code with no tests is like playing roulette with your client’s money.”


Web Sockets: Stream Tweets in Real-Time With No Fuss

Tarique Ejaz builds a real-time Twitter client.

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