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Welcome to issue 236.

This week we write clean React code, test React components, use Immer with React and more!


React For Beginners 2021

100% React. No Fluff included.


Tyler Hawkins on Simple ways to write better and cleaner code.


Miroslav Nikolov gives an epic guide.


FLASH SALE! Udemy February 2021!

Checkout some of the best here.


Madushika Perera on Why Immer works well for React State Immutability?


Muskanagarwal gives basic information about React and the advantages of using React.


Nathan Sebhastian gives comparison between Rollup and Webpack for React apps.


Ashen Iranda explains.


Yogini Bende tells us more.


Chameera Dulanga creates a Video with React Remotion.


Anisat Yunusa tells us.


Arif Amirani lists them.


Advanced React – Updated for 2021!

The Best React Course for Professionals.

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