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Welcome to issue 306!

This week we see how Shopify built Hydrogen, create emails with MDX and MJML, check out Deno Fresh and more!

How We Built Hydrogen

Shopify announces a React Framework for Building Custom Storefronts.

Wonderful HTML Email Workflow

Josh Comeau uses MDX and MJML with React

Create Reusable React Components the Right Way

Mayowa Ojo explains.

FullStack App with Next.js, Tailwind, tRPC and Prisma ORM

Francisco Mendes shows how.

4 Ways to Render JSX Conditionally in React

Rasaf Ibrahim tells more.

Next.js 12.2

Nextjs gets an update.

Announcing React Native 0.69

React Native team announces.

Build a task tracker with SolidJS and TypeScript

Ebenezer Don lays it out.

Fresh 1.0

Fresh is a new full stack web framework for Deno.

React is awesome but have you tried Fresh?

Ashish asks.

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