Table of Contents
Welcome to issue 36.
This week we talk a look at React & React Native Conference in Amsterdam, dive into ReactVR, do testing in React & React Native, take a look at the best books in Ruby & Ruby on Rails and much more!
All the talks from the biggest React conference on all things React.
Build your apps only with best UI frameworks.
Learn SQL Server
Please do a mental experiment with me, imagine yourself back to 10 years ago, stop reading for 5 seconds and take a breath.
I’ve had my eye on React VR for some time now, and after the recent announcement that it’s ready for use, I jumped on it, excited to get my hands dirty.
Facebook has just recently made ReactVR open source. For those who haven’t heard about ReactVR, it is a library for creating VR experiences for the web, to be viewed on web browsers.
Re-writing react-devtools and integrating them with React Native.
If you’re using Redux in your React app you’re likely using react-redux to connect your components to your state.
This short guide is intended to catch you up with the most important reasoning, terms, tools, and approaches to JavaScript testing
GraphQL full-stack social network example
Graybox E2E Tests and Automation Library for Mobile
That’s it for the newest edition of the best weekly ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!
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