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Welcome to issue 40.

This week we read about Slack’s Emoji Picker in React, optimizing React rendering, use a unified styling language with React, master C# and much more!


In the past few years we’ve seen the rise of CSS-in-JS, emerging primarily from within the React community. This, of course, hasn’t been without its controversies.


Slack is transitioning its web client to React. When Slack was first built, our frontend consisted of established technologies like jQuery and Handlebars.



Learn C#

C# is one of the most popular languages to write applications in.


I’m asked fairly often about setting up an autentication flow with React Navigation.


Fine-grained monitoring and analytics for your GraphQL API


After a six month long iteration process and over 300 commits we’re super excited to announce the official release of styled-components v2!


We migrated our web app to React almost 3 years ago, and since React performs extremely well out of the box, optimizing performance was not something we had to worry about.


When does a project need React? That’s the question Chris Coyier addressed in a recent blog post.


Ever had an webapp idea that you wanted to quickly prototype and send to people?


Few days ago, the 3rd edition of the biggest React conference in Europe took place in Paris.


Since d3 has been split into smaller components, making declarative SVG maps with react, topojson, and d3-geo has never been easier.

That’s it for the newest edition of the best weekly ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

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