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Welcome to issue 91.

This week we look at React Context API, use create-react-app, combine React with Webpack 4, and much more!


Rajat S uses React’s New Context API.


Omer Goldberg shows us how.


Learn Figma


Rajat S details React 16’s powerful new features


Margarita Obraztsova shows us how.


Rajat S shows how to build reusable components in React along with some of the best practices to follow


Vladimir Kopychev’s fullstack tutorial of an SPA with React JS + MobX.


Zac Kwan shows how to build a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment stack for React apps.


Steven Natera explores clean React code with compound components.


Matej Kovač details the process from start to finish.


Glad Chinda tells us how to use Bootstrap with React.

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