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Best MERN Stack Courses & Best MERN Stack Tutorials 2025

Best MERN Stack Courses 2022


Best MERN Stack Tutorials 2022

MERN Stack Master Course – Building your own Instagram

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js – and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications.

In this course, we are going to create an INSTAGRAM FULL FLEDGED website and it will be great fun building this together.

This course covers –

Build a backend API with Node.js & Express

API test using Postman

JWT based authentication

Image upload

Context API for state management

Reaction hooks

React router hooks

Protection of routes or endpoints

Send e-mails

Forgot and reset password

This course is NOT an Introductory React & Node js course. This is a fully hands-on course for building complete websites using MERN

MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js

Welcome to “MERN Stack Front To Back”. In this course, we are going to create a complete and in-depth social networking application using Node.js, Express, React, Redux, and MongoDB with ES6 +. We’ll start with a blank text editor and end with a full stack application deployed. This course includes …

Build a complete backend API with Node.js & Express

Protect routes / endpoints with JWT (JSON web tokens)

Extensive API testing with Postman

Elegantly integrate React with our backend, creating a great workflow

Building our frontend to work with the API

Using Redux for Application Health Management

Create reducers and actions for our resources

Creation of many container components that integrate with Redux

Testing with the Redux Chrome extension

Create a build script, secure our keys and deploy to Heroku using Git

UPDATE: The whole course has been updated to use React Hooks, Async / Await, and better overall code.

This is NOT an “Intro to React” or “Intro to Node” course. This is a hands-on course for building an application using the amazing MERN stack. I try to explain everything as I go, so it’s possible to follow through without React / Node experience, but it’s recommended that you at least know the basics first.

You will learn:

Build a full stack social networking app with React, Redux, Node, Express, and MongoDB
Build an extended backend API with Express
Use stateless JWT authentication practices
Integrate React with an Express backend in an elegant way
React Hooks, Async / Await and Modern Practices
Use Redux for state management
Deploy to Heroku with a postbuild script

React, NodeJS, Express & MongoDB – The MERN Fullstack Guide

Building fullstack applications (i.e. frontend + backend) with the MERN stack is very popular – in this course you will learn it from scratch by example of a full project!

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js – and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications.

In this course we will build an entire project and you will learn how these different technologies work together step by step. We are going to take a look at all the individual building blocks first, so that we can then combine them all into one amazing application at the end of the course.

This course doesn’t end after the basics either – instead, you’ll also learn how to add file uploading, authentication, authorization, and how to deploy your app in different ways to different hosting services.

This course is taught by two instructors – Max (React.js, Node / Express) and Manual (MongoDB) who have years of experience working with these technologies and teaching them to other people. We have taken and combined our experiences to bring you the best possible MERN stack course you can find.

In detail, this course offers:

Brief refreshments on basic technologies (React, Node, Express, MongoDB)

Project sections for each technology where theoretical knowledge is applied

Detailed theory on the MERN stack and the different ways of combining technologies

A complete course project where all technologies are brought together in a single application

Upload file (image) in React.js (upload file) and Node / Express (receive file)

User authentication (registration + login)

User authorization (control of access to certain resources)

Detailed deployment instructions – including different ways to deploy the application

Tons of quizzes and extra resources!

By the end of this course, you will feel comfortable creating your own MERN stack applications and you can draw on all the knowledge taught throughout this course to dive into your own projects and use cases. .

What are the requirements for taking this course?

NO prior knowledge of the MERN stack is required

A basic knowledge of React.js is highly recommended – a refresher is provided as part of the course, but this course is NOT intended to teach React from scratch

Basic knowledge of Node + Express is recommended but not essential

You will learn:

Learn how to connect ReactJS with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB
Build an entire project from scratch!
Update the basics of ReactJS, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
Learn how to implement authentication and authorization
Add file upload to ReactJS + Node / Express apps

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