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Welcome to issue 50.

Never thought we’d go this far.
Thank you for your continued support.
Here’s to more milestones!

This week we look at React 16 finally bringing React Fiber live, get good with ReactJS, learn all about React Fiber, look at the advantages of React Native and how Apple is threatening PWA, get you ready for your AWS certifcation and much more!


React 16 beta

React Fiber and many other changes.


Learning React.js is easier than you think

Learn the fundamentals of React.js in one Medium article



Learn C


Top Resources to Explore React Fiber

The new React’s version was released; Stay updated by exploring the innovations


Apple’s refusal to support Progressive Web Apps…

Progressive Web Applications with React Native are one of the most exciting and innovative things happening in web development right now.


Creating a structured, hot-reloadable GraphQL API: Part 1

GraphQL is actually quite simple to get started with once you get familiar with all the moving parts.


10 Redux tips to scale your dev team

So is everything perfect with Redux? Not quite…


Creating websites using React and Django REST Framework

Lately at work our go to architecture for creating websites is to use a React frontend with a Django REST Framework (DRF) backend.


Announcing Storybook 3.2

Storybook is the best way to develop modern component-based UI’s in React, React Native, and now Vue.


Bubble animation with React Native

This post is about my recent learnings while experimenting on building an App with React Native using Animated and PanResponder.


Step by Step! React and Webpack

The purpose of writing this article was to help beginners to start easily with React and answer their main question…

That’s it for the newest edition of the best ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL Newsletter!

Like & follow for all the news about ReactJS, React Native & GraphQL!

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